A Rose of Death

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"Shadowed Rose"'s POV:

With a smile, I used my Mark to stop time around me. Grabbing Blake, I pulled her into the stream and dragged her over to Squire and a wounded Yang. Blake was stunned, but I didn't let her speak because I just let her go, freezing her in place.

Now that she's out of the way, I can take care of my other problem: Adam Taurus.

Before time resumed, I lunged at him and delt four swift strikes, all with a force of a thousand trains behind them. Time sped up and Adam was sent flying into a pile of rubble, reacting to my strikes. As he got up, I laughed.

"Not so mighty now, are you? Where's your White Fang when you need them? Oh wait, that's right. They're getting eaten by rats as we speak."

He visibly flinched. "That's not true! You're lying!"

"Tsk. If only. Want me to demonstrate how, exactly? I'd be happy to oblige."

He growled, then charged me, drawing his blade to strike me down. Laughing uncontrollably, I blinked away, allowing him to anger an Alpha Beowolf. It slashed at him, causing him to fly back into a column. The Beowolf tried to finish him off, but I summoned a rat swarm to chew it to pieces. Everyone around was visibly horrified. After sending the rats off to deal with some pesky Paladins, I turned to face a powerless Adam.

"Do you see now how pathetic you are when compared to me?"

"What you're doing... is an abomination!"

"Hah! As if your actions are any nobler!"


I shook my head. "Do you really believe that, or are you just lying to me? We both know that all you are is a power-hungry man who'd do anything to get what he wants. And that includes killing anyone who stands in your way, be it human or Faunus."


He lunged at me, swinging with all his might and I simply raised my sword, stopping him in his tracks. Fire burned in his eyes as he leaned close to me.

"You know nothing of power. You use witchcraft to best your opponents while they reel away in terror."

"Terror. A tactic you are very familiar with, am I correct? After all, you planned your attack on Beacon while people were running scared from the Grimm attack. But enough talk, it is time to show you just how much power I have over you!"

Faster then a Spartan from Halo could react, I grabbed his wrist and my Mark began to glow. Adam began to yell out in pain as his Aura was rightfully taken away from him, for he was soulless deep down. His weapons slipped from his hands as he tried to get away from my grasp, which was futile.

"You don't deserve an Aura anymore, you heartless bastard."

He screamed out in pain, only to be silenced a second later. With a quiet hiss, I pulled my blade out of his heart, then looked at the top of Beacon tower, flashes of fire able to be seen at the very top. Growling, I raised my Marked hand and in one blink, warped to the top. What I saw made my heart skip a beat in fear.

Pyrrha was on her knees, looking up at a victorious Cinder Fall. "Do you believe in destiny?"


Cinder summoned a bow and made a move to shoot Pyrrha point-blank, but as soon as the arrow was released, I froze time.

I will not let her die.

Moving as fast as possible, I grabbed the arrow, shoved it into Cinder's back, then made as many blows with my sword as I could before time resumed. When it did, Cinder's Aura vanished from all the blows I delt her and she was thrown back into the wall. Pyrrha looked up at me, shocked.


I didn't answer and instead closed my eyes. I heard Cinder get up, but I focused deeply on the power I had been born with. Cinder walked right up to me and tried to stab me in the stomach, but the Aura I had been honing for around a year now deflected the blow back at her.

"Urk! Wh-who are you?!"

"I..." I reached up to take off my mask, a fire burning brightly behind my closed eyes, "am your worse nightmare, Cinder Fall."


"I am a silver-eyed warrior!"

Snapping my eyes open, the world became white and a loud ringing started in my mind. A head-splitting headache became the only thing I knew as I felt my body fall down. When I opened my eyes again, I saw I was in the now-familiar Void.

"Where are you, Outsider?"

A white bird appeared and started to fly away. I followed it, using various Void Abilities to traverse the always fascinating Void. Eventually, I came across the lone resident of the Void: the Outsider himself.

He slow-clapped. "Well done, well done. I must say, I was not expecting you to defeat Cinder like that. Using your silver eyes? Who would have known!"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why did you bring me here?"

"Oh, I didn't. A friend of mine did. They told me to tell you that 'you're worthy'. Anyways, you really showed Adam Taurus who's boss! And man, you utterly vaporized that dragon-class Grimm! You know, I haven't had this much fun since Corvo Attano had my Mark! You know, he simply intrigued me, but you? You are a whole 'nother story, girl. It has been a pleasant year, Shadowed Rose. Ah, but I guess you wish to reunite with your friends now?"

I shifted my weight, wary. "Outsider. You're hiding something. What is it?"

He bowed his head and laughed. "My, all this time has really improved you, hasn't it? Yes, I am hiding something. Take it."

He moved aside to reveal a rune that was one-third black, one third a royal blue and the last third was red. The Mark was present and glowing and when I picked it up and stroked it, I felt four new powers get unlocked. I looked at the Outsider.

"What was that?"

"I dunno. Maybe try out your new powers?"

I mumbled something I honestly don't know, then raised my hand. Using the four new powers, I summoned four humans before me. One was a simple assassin, another was a woman with the same folding sword as me, and she had a piece of cloth covering part of her face. There was a man with a mask that I recognized immediately as Corvo Attano and the last one was a man with black hair, a red cloak and a sword that didn't fold in his right hand. They gave me nods (except for the assassin. He bowed.) and I grinned.

"Corvo. Emily. Daud."

They all looked at me. "Shadowed Rose."

They vanished half an hour later and I looked at the Outsider. "So they stick around for an hour, correct?"

"Yes. Now then, I believe it's time for you to wake up."


I sat up, eyes adjusting to the bright light. Looking around, I saw I was still at Beacon and it was night, but the fighting had stopped. Hundreds of Atlas-looking men and women sprinted around, helping people here and there. Squire ran over to me.

"Ruby! You're okay! Where the hell were you? When we found you, Pyrrha was next to you, rolling around in a small pool of her own blood! The heck happened?"

I looked at him, smiling. "A lot."

And that is the chapter! I've decided to do one more chapter, as a sort of epilogue and a primer for the start of the next book!

Anyways, how has Ruby and Sapphire's journey come so far?

And did any of you expect Ruby to be such a bad-ass with Corvo's sword and the Outsider's Mark?

Welp, it has been a fun journey so far, so take care!

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