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Saphire POV:

I sighed as I watched the sunset on the horizon. If only Ruby was here to see this with me.

"What are you doing here?"

I lazily waved at Blake, who was behind me. "Helping you hunt some fangs, that's what. I overheard your conversation with Sun. What you've planned is risky, so I've come to provide support. Ruby knows I'm here, but doesn't know you are here as well. So. Where's your friend?"

"Hey there. Apple?"

I turned around to see Sun with two apples in his hands. I rolled my eyes. "Do you always break the law without a second thought?"

"I'll take that as a no."

I rolled my eyes once again, then pulled out Ocean Wave and got it into sniper mode. "I'll provide sniper support from up here. I'll use these special bullets," I held up a bullet coated in a paralyzing formula, "to incapacitate them if they actually show up. You two do what you want. We'll need at least one alive for questioning."

Blake glanced at me. "Right. Well, get ready. Looks like they'll actually show up."

A Bullhead flew in, dropping off several White Fang soldiers. They began to examine the shipping crates as several more Bullheads flew in, one containing Roman Torchwick himself.

"Come on, you sloths! Hurry up! We don't have all night!"

Blake stood up, her hand drifting to her weapon. I looked at her.

"Blake! Get down! They'll see you!"

She didn't listen and instead hopped down, rushing Roman from behind. She pressed her blade against his throat as she aimed at the White Fang soldiers with her gun. As she did so, she removed her bow.

"Brothers of the White Fang! Why are you working with a human?"

Roman chuckled. "Oh, kid, didn't you get the memo?"

"What memo?"

"The White Fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together!"

Blake was going to say something else, but I noticed a red dot on her head. Tracing it to the source, I sniped the sniper, causing a wild fire-fight. Roman managed to get free of Blake's grip, but he couldn't escape from my rifle.


Squeezing the trigger, the bullet flew fast and true, sinking into Roman's gut, causing his muscles to tense up, beyond his control. As I continued to snipe random White Fang members, I heard Blake cry out in pain and when I whipped my scope around to see her, I gasped.

"Blake! No!"

Without much thought, I sent a shot in the member's way and it passed through his head. I put Ocean Wave on my back and drew my sidearm, rushing to Blake's aid. When I arrived, Blake was rolling in a small pool of her own blood. Panicking, I pulled my Scroll out and tried to contact someone.

As I did so, I dragged Blake to a safer location. "Can someone hear me? I am at the docks, with majorly wounded! I need assistance! I repeat, I need assistance!"

Two people answered. One was Glynda stating that she and Ozpin were on their way and another was an emergency responder.

"Who is this?"

"Doesn't matter! Just please send some medical personnel here, now!"

A bullet whizzed past my ear and Scroll and the responder must have heard because he immediately said "Sending help now!"

I mumbled to myself, then put the Scroll away. Blake began to struggle for air, so I laid her down and pressed down hard on her wound.

"Hang in there, Blake! I'm not giving up on you yet!"

As I applied pressure, I shot any White Fang that rounded the corner, trying desperately to keep my friend and teammate alive. Suddenly, a loud whining split the air as the White Fang screamed and ran. Police fanned out, arresting any White Fang I had sniped as well as digging out the bullets. Medics rushed out of Bullheads, tending to the wounded.

I spotted one looking around frantically. "Hey! Over here!"

He turned around and ran over to me. I put my SMG on my back and placed my free hand on top of Blake's wound.

"She got hit point blank without an Aura. She needs medical attention ASAP!"

The medic nodded. "Roger that. Keep pressure on that wound." He looked over his shoulder. "HEY! I NEED AN IV OVER HERE!"

He then turned to look at Blake and helped me apply pressure to her wound. A different medic came rushing over holding a cart of blood-bags and the two of them began to supply Blake much needed blood.

"Hey, Blake. Look at me. You're going to make it out of this. If you don't, I'll never forgive you!"

Blake looked into my eyes. "Saphire..." Her head lolled to the side and a medic cursed under their breath.

"Darn it! We need to get her to the hospital right now!"

Someone came with a stretcher and they lifted her onto it. I kept the pressure on her gut, trying to prevent as much bleeding as possible. They rushed her onto a medical Bullhead and that was when I let Blake go, putting her in the hands of the medics.

With a sigh, I looked at my stained hands. Closing my eyes and fists, I whispered an apology. "I'm sorry, Blake. This wasn't supposed to happen."


Ruby threw me into a hug, but I simply stood there. She noticed and let go of me.

"Saphire? What's wrong? Why is there blood on your hands?"

I sighed. "Blake..." I gazed at the leaving Bullhead.

Ruby gazed at me. "Saphire?"

I sighed. "I need to wash up and get some rest."

And with that, I left Ruby standing there, confused.

I didn't stop until I was in my bed. And when I was in my bed, I cried myself asleep, no one from Team RWBYS to help me dry my eyes.

I'm sorry, Blake. I didn't want this to happen. I never wanted this to happen. Please forgive me, Blake.

And that is the chapter! Crazy, huh? Blake gets majorly wounded and Saphire blames himself!

How do you think I'll start the next chapter?

Post in the comments!

(PS: Thanks to all you fabulous readers for taking the time to read my stuff! Hope y'all are having a wonderful day! Bye!)

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