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Yang's POV:

I cracked my knuckles, ready to own Saphire. We had agreed to a one-on-one fist fight with no weapons and the others would be the judges. When I walked onto the stage, I spotted Saphire on the other side, ready to fight.

Heh. He looks a lot like Ruby, honestly. I wonder if he fights like her?

"You ready, Yang? Just saying, I've got some tricks up my sleeves."

I grinned. "You'd better! If you're anything like Ruby, you'd be down in a second!"

My sister yelled at me from beyond the stage. "HEY!"

We grinned and the match began. Saphire started with a Semblance-boosted punch to the face, causing me to flip backward and throw a counter-punch. He twirled out of the way and gave me a decent punch to the back, causing me to stumble forwards.

Hold on and store up more energy, Yang! Once you do that, he'll be down for the count!

I unleashed a quick flurry of attacks, and he allowed most to hit him. This caused me to pause and put up a decent defense.

Why did he let me hit him? What trick does he have stowed away?

I yelled and lunged at him, punching him with all my strength in his gut. He simply stumbled back, then raised his fists to give me an uppercut. There was nothing I could do, so I was flung onto my back but got back up soon after. We traded several more punches before Saphire did something totally outta the blue.

His Aura flared to life and fire ringed his silver eyes. He had a crazy grin on his face as he punched me with strength I didn't know he had. I was sent flying and that was when the others called the match.

"Saphire wins! Yang, your Aura's in the red now! Good fight, you two." Ruby walked on stage.

As I stood up, I rubbed the place where Saphire delivered that crazy-strong punch. "Jeeze. It's like you stored up the energy of all my punches, then doubled it with that strike."

"That's exactly what I did, Yang. And You already know how I did it."

Everyone paused to look at him. "What?"

He smiled. "hmm, let's see here. How can I show you... ah! I know! Viola!" He somehow summoned an exact replica of himself, which was super crazy.

Blake nervously threw a rock at the copy and it vanished, but the rock acted like it hit a solid wall. She took a shocked step back and accidentally fell off the stage. We watched as she fell.

Saphire chuckled. "I figured out something crazy several nights ago."

We looked at him. "What?"

"I was born with two Semblances. Speed and one I've dubbed 'Psyche'. It allows me to go through one's memories in an instant and understand everything, as well as 'copy', if you will, their Semblances. It's always active."

I blinked at him. "What?"

"I lost you, didn't I? Let me explain more slowly. I can read minds with skin contact."

We all nodded. "Uh-huh."

"While that happens, I gain their Semblance."


"I can do this with a millisecond of contact."

Weiss flipped some of her hair away. "You know, this is crazy, Saphire."

"Yeah, I know. But that's not all. I can copy someone's Semblance, even if they haven't discovered it yet!"

We blinked at him. "You can what?"

"I can copy Semblances, no matter if they've been discovered or not. It's very off-balancing for me too, just so you know."

"Is that so?"

We all turned to look at Professor Ozpin. He had been standing off to the side, watching us spar.

Uh oh!

He walked on stage with a smile. "Now now, students. It is perfectly okay for you to stage a practice battle like this with others referee. But I am interested in Saphire here."

Saphire looked at the professor with narrowing eyes. "Why?"

"Please, come with me. The rest of you, I recommend you go and get some sleep. You all have a busy day tomorrow. It will be the Vytal Festival tomorrow, after all."

He walked away with Saphire and I looked at my sis. We then looked at Ozpin before finally moving to go back to our room. As soon as I sat down on my bed, someone knocked on the door.

"Oh, for-. Ruby, can you get that?"

"I will." Weiss stood up and opened the door. "Can we h-. Huh?"

In the doorway, a strange creature stood there. I tilted my head at it.

"Is that a Grimm? Doesn't look like any we've fought before."

Grapple stirred, then growled. It isn't Grimm. It has a soul.

We all got out of our beds and got ready for battle. Weiss narrowed her eyes even more as she asked the thing a question.

"What are you, and what are you doing here?"

It looked at us, then took one step back. "I-I was just wondering where the bathroom was, okay?"

We all stumbled back, off-put by the fact that its mouth split into four. The thing simply looked down at us.

"Did I do something wrong?"

We all squealed "WHAT ARE YOU!" almost at the top of our lungs. We were so loud, Team JNPR opened their door.

"Guys? Wh- the heck is that?" Jaune stopped mid-sentence.

The thing looked at us, then them, then back at us. "Uh, I'm Sangheili. I thought all humans knew."

Ruby got up and raised Cresent Rose. "Yeah, well, we don't! Wait, how can we even understand you?"

The thing looked at my sister. "Uh, I'm speaking your language. Why?"

This commotion kept going on for some time before we all heard a weapon unfolding in the hallway. We stuck our heads out of the door to see Saphire, with Ozpin standing calmly beside him, ready for combat. I looked at my team.

"This is gunna be a long day."

The 'Sangheili' nodded. "Yeah. But seriously, where are the bathrooms?"

Saphire glanced at us before lowering his weapon. "Turn 180 degrees and walk around twenty feet forwards, then turn 90 degrees left."

It followed his exact directions, then went "oh." The thing entered the restroom, then came back out after several moments. He came back, hands slightly wet.

"Thanks. Now, about the inevitable questions..."

We entered our dorm and all found a spot to sit. The Sangheili took a deep breath before looking at us.

"Who wants to ask first?"

We all raised our hands at the exact same time.

"Oh dear."

And that is a new chapter! Yeah, I'm introducing Halo into this, but not enough to call this a huge crossover. It won't be a part of the main plot and will be used only for comedic relief. See y'all later!

-Hearth Everlasting

A Ruby and Sapphire (RWBY fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt