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I looked at her, wondering if she'll ever wake up. Tears rolling down my face, I tilted my head down.

"I'm sorry, Blake. I'm so sorry. I didn't want this to happen. I never wanted this to happen. So, please, stay with me. If not for my sake, for the team's. Okay? Just keep fighting, alright? Don't give up. Please, for god's sake, don't give up."

More tears began to roll down my cheeks. Forcing my eyes open, I looked at the heart monitor. She was on the line between life and death.

"Stay with us. Hell, when you recover, I'll do whatever you want, okay? Just stay with us."

My Scroll began to buzz. I don't care.

"Just please hang in there Blake, okay? I don't want to lose you, too. Not after losing my parents. Just please, hang in there!"

I risked another glance at the monitor. After a moment of gazing at it, my tear-stricken silver eyes widened with joy. The hand I was clasping shifted.


I looked down to see Blake with her eyes barely open. Ecstatic, I smiled down at her. "Blake..."

She smiled back. "Saphire, what happened?"

"A White Fang member managed to get the drop on you when your Aura was down. I didn't know he was firing at you point-blank until you screamed in agony. I'm..." Tears began to pour down my face and I pressed her hand against my face, sobbing. "I'm so sorry, Blake! I-... I didn't want that to happen! I never wanted it to happen!"

"Saphire... It isn't your fault."

"But it is! It was my job to watch out and protect you, Blake! And I failed!"

"Saphire. You didn't fail. I was reckless and followed a member out of your sights, then got jumped. There was no way you could have known."

"Bull and you know it! I..." I just broke down, rambling off nonsense.

Blake held me close as I slowly got control of my sobbing.

"I... I'm sorry, Blake. It's my fault that a White Fan member is dead and you're here, in the hospital. I'm so sorry."

"Shh. It's okay, Saphire. It's okay. Everything's fine. I didn't listen to you when you told me to get down. Instead, I charged in and almost got shot by a sniper, if it wasn't for your quick thinking. Just stop blaming yourself, okay?"

I looked at her and blinked the tears away. "... okay..."

Blake continued to smile. "Good. Now head back to the team. They'll need you."

I nodded, then stood up and made my way to the door. Before I touched the nob, however, I pulled my hand away and grabbed something I had bought Blake while she was still out. Quickly, I walked back to Blake and handed her the small box.

"Here. A present."

She looked at it, then me. She closed her eyes, smiled, and tilted her head in such a way it would have got me if Ruby hadn't already.

I gave Blake a smile and nod before leaving her room. Once I was out, I let out a long sigh.

"I really am a lady magnet, aren't I? Well, at least I acknowledge that girls are hitting on me, unlike Kirito." AN! SAO will only be present in the form of manga/anime/game references! The characters will NOT appear in the flesh, okay? Cool.

As I walked out of the hospital, I bumped into Ozpin drinking some hot cocoa.

"Oh! Professor Ozpin! Didn't expect to meet you here!"

Ozpin chuckled. "And yet I expected to meet here."

I nodded. "Uh-huh. Is there something you wished to talk to me about?"

"Yes. We can talk while walking." He began to walk towards Beacon. "I came to ask you about Ms. Belladonna's condition. You've left campus every day since the incident to check up on her. I thought it natural to ask you how she's doing."

I nodded. "I understand. Blake's just woke up from her coma. We had a quick chat and it's been made clear to me that I'm some sort of 'lady-magnet' if you will."

Ozpin chuckled. "I've noticed. You are trustworthy, honorable, respectable, loyal, understanding, empathetic, sympathetic,..." He continued on and on, my cheeks heating up with each compliment.

"Th-thank you, sir."

"... and reckless."

"Uh, excuse me?"

Ozpin looked at me from the corner of his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips. "You 1) got into a fight with Roman's goons without much consideration, 2) rushed to fight a dragon, 3) never bothered to ask me, your headmaster, if it was okay to go after Roman Torchwick and 4) you tend to act first, think later."

"I beg your pardon, but I had very good reasons for those. Well, except for the first one. That one was kinda stupid of me. Off point! I have history with that dragon, I had to act on the discovery I made on a potential robbery and if I took the time to ask you, they would have gotten away!"

Ozpin raised an eyebrow. "What about the last point?"

I glared at him. "You don't have time to think during a battle. Sure, you can plan beforehand, but what do you do when your foe suddenly messes your plan up by doing something you never expected them to do? It's all improv after that."

"Oh, but that's during combat. I'm talking about the scene you made in the cafeteria some time ago with Cardin Winchester."

I lowered my head. "Right. That. I did kinda lose my temper there."

"Heh. 'Kinda'? You threatened to throw him off the cliff."

I diverted my gaze. "... Okay, fine. I really lost my temper there, but it was for good reason! He was one: bullying someone; two: disrespecting those older than him; three: being a total shmuck; four: he was being discriminatory against Faunus! They're really just people with special gifts!"

He smiled. "That much I can agree on you with. Care to continue this talk in my office? We can talk as equals."

I looked up at him, smirking. "What, we haven't already been talking like equals?"

"Ho ho! You make a fine point, Mr. Star!"

"Please, just call me Saphire."

We stepped into the elevator and ascended to the office at the top of the tower. Ozpin sat down and I used Pyrrha Nikos's Semblance to lazily pull up a chair. Ozpin naturally raised an eyebrow at that.

"May I ask how you did what you just did?"

My eyes widened. "Oops."

And that's that!

Next chapter will be purely dialogue between Ozpin and Saphire.

Skip it if you want.

Just saying, the two talked about something totally different than how Saphire could copy Semblances when he was pulled aside in the chapter "Hand-to-hand".

Anyways, have fun y'all!

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