First in, first out.

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I yelled at the top of my lungs as I plummeted to the ground. The earth rushed at me and I simply rolled, then started to run, keeping my momentum from the fall. Without much effort, I dodged branches and roots, sprinting to find the Forest Temple first.

First in, first out! That's how I roll!

As I ran, I closed my eyes and cut out all sound around me. Slowing my breath, I calmed my mind, then activated my Semblance, letting off a huge burst of speed. Leaves and twigs and other objects were pulled along in my wake, creating a massive bundle of items. Like a piece of cake, I found the temple and saw that none of the relics had been taken yet. Smiling, I snagged a black knight, then bolted back to the cliff. Before I could exit the clearing, however, Ruby landed on top me, as did someone else.

We all went "owwww", but I cut myself off when I heard Nevermore scream.


I rolled out of the pile, then grabbed Ocean Wave and go ready for battle. It dove, I lept, and we met in the middle, sparks flying. Utilizing the training my parents gave me, I placed my scythe on its neck, then pushed the trigger. My weapon launched me up, ending the monster's life with it. I landed gracefully, then waved Ruby good-bye as I bolted off, eager to get back first.

When I landed at the top of the cliff, my arrival took Glynda Goodwitch by surprise while Ozpin calmly took a sip of coffee. He took a good look at me, then at my blade.

"Do you have a relic?"

"Yes, sir." I took it out of my pouch and held it out to him.

With a smile, he took it. "Wonderful. You are the first to come back and the first ever to manage to not get partnered up."

I smiled at him. "I aim to please."

Glynda rolled her eyes, then focused on her scroll. "Looks like the l-"

Suddenly, an ear-piercing roar cut her off. Frost crept into my bones as I turned around to lay my eyes on the one thing I think I won't be able to defeat. The one thing that killed my parents. Despite knowing the odds, I raised my scythe to fight the dragon that murdered my parents.

Bowing my head, a tear rolled down my cheek as I prepared for potentially my final battle.

Mother. Father. This is all for you.

With a roar, I lunged at the dragon, putting all my sorrow into my strike. It blocked it with a claw and grinned at me.

"You fool."

More tears started to roll down my cheeks, but I wasn't done yet. I pushed back with all my strength, sparks beginning to fly. Years of combat training with my parents rose to the surface and I twirled my scythe while flipping away, sinking low to the ground. The dragon blinked at me, then lunged. As I raised my scythe to meet its claw, I spotted its other claw coming in from the side, my most vulnerable spot.

Not this time, jerk.

With a scowl, I pulled the trigger of my scythe, sending me back and out of the way of the strike. We continued to dance, me never able to get a nick off and it unable to hurt me, due to my Aura. Thing was, though, my Aura was failing.

At one point, I twirled back, panting. The dragon looked down at me, snorted, then took off, hovering several feet above the earth.

"Pity. I expected a true warrior from one who has silver eyes. Guess I just have to wait for you to get stronger. So long, child."

It flew off, leaving me panting and worn-out. The other students came back just in time to see me fall to the floor, unconscious. Before I did pass out, though, a certain red-cloaked girl sprinted into my vision.

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