Roof talk

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AN: Just some mood music!

"Weiss, are you... crying?"

She nodded, then wiped her tears away with her sleeve. I sat down across from her and took a fleeting glance at the locket around my neck.

"You can tell me what's wrong."

"It's my family business."

"The Schnee Company, right?"


"What's wrong? Has something happened?"

"It has to do with me, and my father."

Master, where did you go?

Can you hear my thoughts?


I'm talking with Weiss.


"I see where this is going, Weiss. You went against your father's wishes when you came here, to Beacon."

She blinked at me, stunned. "How...?"

"It's easy to read you like a book right now. But go ahead and tell me what's wrong, in your own words."

Weiss looked at me, then closed her eyes. "Okay. My father wants me to take over the family company, but I want to become a Huntress."

"May I ask why?"

"It's a matter of honor. My dad has our business working in a moral grey area and if I were to take over, there'd be no way anyone will be able to clear our name after he's done. Anyone but a Huntress, that is. My father wasn't the start of the Schnee name and I won't let him be the last. Do... do you get what I'm trying to say?" She looked at me with eyes on the verge of breaking.

I nodded. "I know exactly what you mean. Becoming a Huntsman is also a huge deal for me. To me, it's the only way I can honor my parents."

"Your parents?"

"Yeah, my parents." My gaze lifted to the Constellation of the Huntress. "They were probably the best Hunters around. I never went to primary school; they taught me all I needed to know. They gave up their lives to protect the kingdoms, fending off a dragon-type Grimm until something could be done."

Weiss scooched a bit closer to me. "Woah, really?"

"Yeah, really. Hey, do you know the story behind the Constellation of the Huntress?"

"Yes. Astronomers spotted it two years ago and rumor has it, wherever the Constellation is right above you, you'd be protected from Grimm. No one knows why or how, it just is."

I sighed, never taking my eyes off the stars. "I'll tell you a secret, okay? Keep it hidden with your life."

"Uh, o-okay."

I looked at her. "On your honor?" Guilt trippin' her.

Weiss blinked at me, surprised, but she nodded.

"Say it."

"Upon my honor as a Schnee."

I smiled, then looked up with sparkling eyes. "My mother sacrificed herself to create that constellation. She gave up her life to protect the various academies around Remnant. You can't begin to imagine the loss I felt that day. I... I still think about it... to this day."

Weiss scooched closer and wrapped her arms around me. "I... I didn't know."

She pressed our skin together and I was transported into her memories. I felt all her loss and sadness and got to understand the cold girl a bit better. I went through all of her memories and realized something.

I was copying Semblances. I was born with two Semblances. Speed and this new one that allowed me to copy the memories of those who touch me. And with that, I gain access to their Semblance. Weiss pulled away, but not before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I looked at her, confused.

She smiled at me as she rose. "That's for being such a good audience. Good night."

She left me to my thoughts. This revelation of my other Semblance kept swirling around in my mind, never letting me sleep. I stood up with a sigh and walked over to the door, but not before gazing longingly at the Constellation of the Huntress.

"Good night, Mom."

I entered the dorm building, but before I closed the door, someone whispered something in my ear.

"I'll always be with you, Saphire. Deep in your heart."

A gust of wind sucked the door closed and I sighed once more as I walked down the halls, en route to my dorm. I bumped into Jaune on the way and it seemed that he was panicking.

"Left your Scroll in your room?"

He spun around to look at me. With a sigh, he let his head droop. "Yeah..."

I chuckled, then pressed mine against his door, unlocking it. "There. Take care, and remember to always bring your Scroll, no matter where you go!" I clasped him on the shoulder, copying his Semblance.

I then entered my own room and was met with Blake gazing out the window. I walked up and gazed out with her.

"Something on your mind?"

"No. I just wanted to look at the stars tonight."

"Eh, fine by me. I went star-gazing several minutes ago, too. Night."

I climbed into bed, placing Ocean Wave at the foot of my bed, ready for action. With a yawn, I finally fell asleep.

I'll tell them, one day. But first, I think it'd be best if I kept it a secret.

Another chapter! I can't stop myself!

Anyways, how's the story so far?

Did you expect Saphire to have the ability to "copy" Semblances with something as simple as a millisecond of skin contact?

Crazy, huh?

His power will be a crucial plot-device, so-you-know!

Anyways, have fun wherever you are!

(If you post fanart about my story, plz tag me. I'd love to see that kinda stuff! Bye!)

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