Prepping for dancing

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Saphire POV:

I tugged at the tablecloth, making sure it wasn't bundled up for the Ice Queen's (Weiss) sake. As I was making sure it was perfect, someone cleared their throat next to me.

"Yeah, yeah. I know Weiss. I'll get right on the chandeliers."

Someone giggled and I turned around.

"Ugh, what is it W-." I froze up, blinking.

"Saphire! Stop slacking and get back to work!"

I shook my head, awed. "Blake! I -we- thought that you'd be in the hospital for longer!"

She smiled and shook her head, bow slightly twitching. "No, not really. The doctors say that I've healed enough to go back to school and learn, but I am in no condition to fight."

Weiss poked her head around the corner. "Saphire! Get back to-! Wait, Blake?"

Blake smiled and waved at her. "Hey, Weiss. How've you been?"

Weiss came full out from around the corner. "Blake! Where'd you been?! We've been looking all over for you!"

"In the hospital, that's where. You know that incident at the docks with 'one girl majorly wounded' several weeks ago?"

"Oh, of course I do! Those crates belonged to my family!"

"Yeah, well, that 'one girl' was actually me. Saphire here chose to follow me and my Faunus friend-"

"Was he-?"

"No. Anyways, Saphire here chose to follow me and my Faunus friend to the docks and together, we took on the White Fang and Roman Torchwick. I was brash and followed a White Fang member out of Saphire's sights and they jumped me. One came up and began to unload their clip into my gut, but Saphire acted fast and sniped him, saving me. Then, he ran over and dragged me to safety. Crazy, huh?"

Weiss nodded. "Yeah. He must have been super brave."

I sighed and shook my head, getting back to work. "You do realize I'm right here, right? Oh, and nice bow, Blake. Looks great on you."

I knew she blushed behind my back "Th-thanks. How'd you know I'd like this?"

"I didn't. Sun did. He got the bow for you, me the necklace."

"Oh, cool. So, are we setting up for a party or something?"

Weiss must have nodded because Blake went 'Ah.'

The familiar voice in my head began to scream.


Suddenly, I twisted right, dodging the lightning Dust round. In the blink of an eye, I whipped out the SMG I always kept on me and squeezed off a single shot, hitting the sniper square in the shoulder. He fell down and when I came closer, then laughed and pulled out a pistol. Without thinking, I shot their hand, then placed my boot on their chest. A familiar white mask stared up at me.

"Go on, kill me!"

I aimed my pistol at his head but didn't pull. "Answer my questions and I will spare you."


"Who sent you?"

"Myself, that's who!"

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