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POV: Saphire

I tapped my pencil repeatedly on my desk, wishing for the teacher to say something noteworthy.

"Who here thinks they have what it takes to become a Huntsman/Huntress?"

Immediately, my hand bolted into the air. He looked at me.

"Young lad! You think you have what it takes to be a Huntsman?"

"Yes, sir!"

He smiled. "Then come down here and face your foe!"

I got up and walked over to the front of the room and got ready for the worse. The teacher overdramatized releasing the monster and that was when the fun began. The Boarbatusk curled up into a ball and I rolled out of the way, landing on my feet. It charged at my head-first and I ran at it, letting myself hit the ground. Using a pencil, I carved a gully in its stomach, then I got back on my feet. The teacher laughed.

"Oh-ho! Using the environment to your advantage, are you? A wonderful trait for a Huntsman to possess!"

My right eye twitched for some strange reason and my Aira began to glow. RWBYS began to murmur, but I paid them no mind and continued to fight, tricking the Boarbatusk every time. Suddenly, the thing burst into ashes and a "small" dragon ripped the wall out, causing some students to scream. My eye twitched again and I was forced to close them. That was when I felt some strange power awaken within me.

While drawing my weapon, I opened my eyes only to have a head-splitting headache. I heard Ocean Wave clatter to the ground and fold up, but soon after that, I passed out.


"Is he okay?" Ruby sounded super close.

"Ugh. Oww."

Continuing to moan, I sat up and opened my eyes, blinking several times at the bright light. I looked to my left and saw Ruby on her knees, helping me stay upright. I shook my head, getting the light-headedness out.

"What the heck happened?"

Glynda was to my right. "We don't really know. Witnesses say that when you opened your eyes, giant glowing wings came from your eyes and turned the dragon to stone, killing it. Soon after that happened, you passed out. What do you remember?"

"Uh, a giant headache. Also, when I opened my eyes, I didn't see anything but silver, interestingly enough. Do-... Do you think it has to do with my silver eyes?"

Ozpin offered a hand to me. "Possibly. Only time will tell. Go now, get some rest. You all have had an eventful day."

I nodded, then turned around to see Weiss (surprisingly), Blake, and Yang. I gave them all a nod and together, we headed for our dorm, curious as to what Grapple did while we were away. When we entered, we saw some finely improvised bunkbeds. One set was covered by red and blue blankets and I glared at Grapple, who had a grin on his face.

Something wrong?

"Grapple. What. Did. I. Say. On. The. First. Night. Here?"

That you're in-.

"Grapple. Screw you."

I slipped into my bed (Which was hanging for some odd reason) and pulled the blanket over me. Ruby climbed into her bed (which was above mine) and I heard the others getting into their own beds. Light bled through the blankets and I turned to stare right a Grapple.

"Gah! Don't do that, Grapple! Anyways, turn off the lights. Please."

Sure thing. Are you going to h-.

"Grapple." Anger was in my voice.

What? I was just going to say 'are you going to have a nap', Master.

I sighed. "Yes. I am going to have a nap. Good night."

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. I slept like a baby but woke up when my bed began to rock. I watched as Ruby climbed down from her bed and grab Crescent Rose, as well as her normal attire. Curious, I let her change, then she left the dorm.

Master? Where did miss Ruby go?

"She left. I'm going to tail her."

Be careful, Master.

I nodded at Grapple, then put on my belt. As silent as Ruby was, I grabbed my weapon and Scroll, slipping out of the dorm. I caught Ruby vanishing around a corner, so I followed her, my curiosity rising with each step.

Where is she going?

Ruby didn't stop at the edge of the school grounds. As a matter of fact, she went past the grounds and entered the forest. That was when I quickened my steps.

Where is she going? It's like she's a ghost!

Only when she stopped at a cliff did I begin to understand. On the ground before her was a gravestone. Ruby dropped to her knees and let her head hang, sniffling. She began to sing.

A/N: The music is for this scene!

"Red like roses, fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest."

I took a step forwards. "Ruby..."

She ignored me. "White is cold and always yearning, burdened by a royal test." She got up and walked back to Beacon, getting stopped by a group of Grimm along the way.


She continued to sing. "Black the beast is sent from shadows, yellow beauty burns gold."

And then she charged into battle, all the Grimm focused on her. I stood there, dumb-struck. She twirled, and sung, and shot, and leaped, the Grimm never able to get a hit off her. Ruby landed with a quiet thud and she began to twirl Cresent Rose around, chopping anything that got in her way into pieces. The Grimm surrounded her, but she fought hard and fast, her blade not pausing for even a second. She destroyed all the Grimm and when she landed, the hundreds of rounds she fired clattered to the earth after her. That was when she acknowledged me.

"I know you've been following me, Saphire. Don't speak a word of what happened here, understood?"

I nodded. "I've got a similar secret, too."

She looked over her shoulder at me. "Really?"

"Yeah. I'll tell you later. Right now, we should get back to the dorm."


We walked side-by-side and managed to enter Beacon without a hitch. Together, we slipped back into our dorm and I climbed into my bed, taking my belt off as I did so. Ruby changed out of her standard outfit and into her pajamas, then did something I didn't expect her to. She climbed into my bed and hugged me.

"Wha-? R-ruby?"

"Hm? Saphire? What's wrong?"

"Just wondering. Why are you in my bed and hugging me? I-I mean, it's fine and all, but kinda outta the blue, if you get what I mean.

"I... I just wanted to talk, m'kay? Get to know you better?"

I nodded. "Ah. I understand."

She smiled and let me go. After sighing, we began to chat.

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