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"How about we read this one?" Junhui asked, showing Seohyeon the book.

She nodded with a smile, allowing Junhui to climb down from the step stool and sit next to her at the table. He placed the book down on the rough wooden surface, and Seohyeon read the title. 

The Unexpected Project

"Why kind of book is this?" She asked, making the boy next to her smile.

"It's a novel," Junhui explained. "These types of books aren't necessarily made of real events and real people, but the concepts and themes are."

He tapped on the hard cover of the book.

"This is a romance novel."

"Romance?" Seohyeon repeated, "What's that?"

Junhui only chuckled as he opened up to the first page. "You'll see."

Although the entire story was completely fiction, Seohyeon found the novel very intriguing. The plot of the story was so captivating, and the characters were all so dynamic.

The story was about a young girl around Seohyeon and Junhui's age. The writer portrayed the girl as quiet and timid. She had lived in the same town her entire life, surrounded by the same people. She went to the same academy all the years of her schooling, but no one ever really noticed her when she was around. In a way, her life was kind of like Seohyeon, except with less rules.

The boy in the story however, was very outgoing. He was liked by everyone around him, and was considered "popular." Seohyeon didn't know what the word meant, so Junhui kindly explained to her the meaning.

"Oh! So Instructor Jisoo would be considered popular!" Seohyeon declared, making Junhui laugh.

"Yeah," he said, trying to suppress his chuckling, "I guess you could say that."

As they continued to read and as the story wore on, the girl and the boy eventually began to cross paths more often in the plot. Eventually in the fifth chapter, the two were assigned as partners on their science project (also something Junhui had to explain to her, though he wasn't really sure what that was either). Junhui checked the time, realizing that their break time was almost over and they would have to head back for third meal.

"We have to go," Junhui said, gently placing a hand on Seohyeon's shoulder to grab her attention. She looked up at him with a sad frown.

"But the story..." she said, almost in a pout.

"I know, I want to finish the story too," Junhui sighed, watching Seohyeon close the book and stand up to her feet, "but we can always finish it next time, okay?"

Seohyeon wasn't really satisfied with Junhui's suggestion, but she nodded in agreement anyway and gave the book to Junhui so he could put it back on the shelf. They quietly made their way out of the room and back down to the first floor. As they walked out of the building, Junhui couldn't help but stare at Seohyeon.

Ever since she'd been pill-free, she'd become more vibrant as a person. Her face was more rosy; her eyes sparkled with curiosity; she laughed joyfully almost every day. She was brighter, happier, healthier. Junhui loved seeing her this way.

Junhui loved her.

He wanted to tell her; tell her how much he cared about her. He had a whole plan and everything. They were going to read that book, and when the part came, he would tell her exactly how he felt. He would tell her he was head over heels for her and that she was the most important person in the world to him. Unfortunately for him, they ran out of time.

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