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Imagine a world, with no color.

This world was full of people, blinded from all color except for natural ones, such as black, brown, beige, white, gray, and so on. Their ability to see the world as it truly appeared was distorted; a rainbow was never heard of.

Imagine a world with no color and stripped from anything you know.

No one had a family, or sisters, or brothers, or pets, or relatives of any kind. There wasn't anything called "freedom of choice," and there was no such thing as emotions. The community was separated into different living facilities which the community called Districts. Each had their own set of laws that unified all together to create harmony between the people. Equality was very visible, and there were no quarrels ever occurring.

There, in the midst of all the Districts...

Was District 17.

A District full of the youth.

A District that would impact their whole sheltered, dystopian society.

District 17 wasn't like any other of the Districts. It wasn't higher than any District, and it wasn't that much different as you think. District 17 was home to all the Children, Teenagers, and young adults of their society. They all had the same routine, and lived in the same place, doing the same things...

what was so wrong with that?


This whole fanfic is inspired by my favorite book series ever: The Giver. There are a few concepts in this fic that I got from the series. So if you enjoy this svt fanfic I would definitely recommend reading The Giver by Lois Lowry! Along with the three other books in the series. Anyways, hope you enjoy reading this as much as i did writing it <3

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