Chapter 12

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"Now now, darling, open your mouth more."

I opened my mouth more afraid of what more he'll do to me and he pulled out a vial shaped item and put it into my mouth. I felt a liquid enter my throat and Natemare saw this and said, "Drink it all up." I did as told since I don't want to choke or get a worse punishment.

I had finished drinking the potion thingy and soon felt extreme pain erupt through me. He found a way somehow to punish me but not ruin my 'perfect body and flawless face'. I bent down on my knees as I felt the serum go through my veins. It was like a fire, burning all of my nerves leaving just a whole lot of pain in the wake of its destruction.

Natemare smiled at my pain and said, "Do you like it? I had one of my personal scientists make it. He is very good at what he does." I just looked at him with an expression of, 'Do I look like I care and why are you telling me this?' He simply kneeled down to my eye level in my crouched position on the floor, "Don't worry, the pain should end in about 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." (In the vegas lights, where villains spend the weekend.) Right after he said 1 the pain magically disappeared and I was left gasping for air. Natemare smirked at this and said, "I hoped you learned your lesson." I nodded my head and he started caressing my face as he cooed, "Good dolly. See, things are so much better if you follow the rules and listen to me."

You thought that something else was gonna happen, didn't ya! Well nope! As part of the #AbusiveAuthorClub I gotta be abusive to my readers as well. Ok bye!!

Phantom (Yandere!Natemare x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now