Chapter 37

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But Dark's smirk soon became a look of horror as he saw something behind us. He immediately let go of me, turned around and started to run for his life, but was soon stopped.

Strings came out of the ceiling and snatched him and turned him around, facing me. He looked at something behind me still with a look of horror in his eyes, but he would glance at me for a while and his eyes will get a hint of lust in them. Perv.

I soon heard a voice lightly whisper into my ear, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you any?"

I shook my head telling them, that yes, I was fine. "Good, now if you'll excuse me, I must take care of some, business."

I was then thrown onto the chaise lounge, and I felt strings chain me down. "Want to explain yourself, Darkipoo?"

It was then that I decided to look at whoever this guy was. I was proven correct when I saw Natemare, but he was wearing black clothing, and I couldn't see his face.

I soon heard that deep velvety voice speak out again, "Well, I wanted to test her faithfulness to you. She failed of course, I mean she's a princess of Earth, she knows like next to nothing. Probably doesn't even know how to talk."

Natemare was soon at Dark's throat, having strings right up against his neck. I heard him growl out at Dark, "What. Did. You. Say. About. My. Doll?" Dark made some attempts at talking, but they were all in vain.

But he was able to say, "Well, she did want to escape." Natemare let out an insane chuckle, "Do  I look like I care? Cause I sure don't right now!"

Natemare then walked around Dark, like he was his prey. He kept examining him and would sometimes start talking to himself, thinking, "Hmm, what to do, what to do?"

(All of the gore warnings)

Natemare then pulled out a knife. It was then that I snapped out of my shock. I started struggling in the string's grip, and I started talking, trying to flirt with him some to get my way. "Natey, Daddy~ Can't we just talk about this? No one has to be hurt," The madman that was wielding a weapon finally decided to look at me. His face was covered in makeup, showing that he was pissed. His eyes did soften a little bit once landing on mine.

"Sorry, doll. But Daddy has some business to handle right now. Oh, and we'll definitely be talking later." He stopped talking and turned back to Dark, also tightening my strings might I add, and soon started walking around him. But the silence was soon broken by Natemare.

"What do you think we should do with him, y/n?" I took a gulp, "Umm, give him a very harsh warning?" He laughed that demonic laugh, that was even more demonic if possible, and had more strings come out, and used those to caress my face. It was Pretty. Odd.

"Oh, it's so adorable how sweet and innocent you are, my doll. But come on, can't you think of anything harsh and bloody?"

I took a moment to think, "We could... Umm, carve into his arm?" I could see his demonic grin from under his hair covering a good bit of his face. He really was emo. "That's my girl. Perfect warm up for Darkipoo here." Warm up?

He then started to cut up Dark, carving letters, all sorts of stuff. By the end of it, his arm was covered with sangria and crimson liquid.

"Now, what else can I do? Well maybe I should stop you from using that silver tongue of yours on my princess." He then reached for Dark's mouth, opened it, and cut out the fleshy piece of muscle that is called the tongue.

I internally cringed at this, but it wasn't over yet. "Maybe I can cut off your arms so they can never hold my darling in a loving way again!" And with a snap, Dark's arms were on the floor. Dark's eyes were pretty drained and lifeless by now.

"Maybe I should cut out your eyes so you can't lay your filthy gaze on my doll again!"

And so, the crazy psychopath that was holding a knife, which isn't a very good mix, cut out his eyes. I gagged and turned away for a while. I eventually turned my eyes back though.

Natemare was still glaring at the somehow alive, now eyeless, demon. "And I think I'll take your heart, so it doesn't throb for her!"

And he then cut out a square in Dark's skin. He pulled it out, and the next thing I know, a heart is on the ground. "Umm, Natemare, I think he's dead now.."

I felt those strings that were once caressing my face, start to caress my face again, as Natemare looked at me and started talking again, "Oh, I know this my songbird, but we still have one more thing to take care of,"

"I need to chop off his penis so he can never get erect from you again."

"Umm, run that by me again??"

"You heard that right the first time."

I then turned my face around, and closed my eyes, not wanting to dare look at Dark's, penis?

I heard some slashing, and I eventually heard out of the darkness, "Just as I thought, erect. You male whore."

I then heard the sound of something hitting the floor. I felt someone touching my shoulders, rubbing them. "Good girl, you looked away. Barely put up a fight either."

I shied away from his touch as much as my chains would let me. I soon heard his voice purr into my ear, "Hey, it's over now. Open your eyes, please, You're what's keeping me sane right now. Please, open your eyes, I just love their color~"

I did open my eyes, and I was melt with his face, which was still covered with makeup. "If you love me, why do you do this? Chris loved me, Mad loved me a tiny bit, Recie loves me."

I felt his hands rub my back more, and he moved me up, sat down under me, and placed me in his lap. "Little, little shining y/n, don't worry about the lies."

Wha? I am confusion.

"The seeker of truth will always die because the evil will never die. Little, little shining y/n.. Go to bed and sleep tight, and forget the pain inside your mind."

He was leaving a light trail of kisses from my shoulders up to my neck before saying again, "You were selected to suffer, to cry and hate, but I will always want to free you from all disgrace. Sleep tight my darling y/n."

He then placed a kiss on top of my forehead and whispering to me, "Goodnight my song bird, I'll be waiting for you to rise." A curtain of ebony covered my vision, and my body went slack in his arms

Hi, so yeah, that happened. Also my cat just accidentally flipped off of a chair. It was awesome. But here's some brain bleach for you. I'm not that cruel.

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