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Hi, hello. I know you're all probably getting tired of this but this is actually super duper important and stuff.

I have announced this before but not really on this sort of a level.

May I get a drum roll please?

I'm making an original book!

Yep, you heard that right! A purely original book, written all by myself!

Like I said before I have talked about this story before and a bit is on wattpad but I never talked about it on this sort of scale. 

I am writing a yandere reverse harem story with sci-fi sprinkled in.

There is a total of six love interests in this thing, all with big backstories and different endings for each of them as well! It is jammed packed with that iconic kaylathecat8 flavor to it with humor and my writing style as well. Oh yeah, about that noticed how my writing is a lot better now? Well that story is jammed pack with it and I'm better than ever baby!

So I did just about all of this writing so far in November for NaNoWriMo and as I am typing this I am currently at 22140 words, which is OVER 50 pages so far and I only have 9 chapters, a warning, and a character ending written!

Yeah guys, this is the real deal.

I am uncertain when it will be fully be accesible to read since I'm nowhere near finished with me just finishing the epilogue but I do plan to publish it.

Oh and yes, the main character for my actual main draft is not (y/n) but Autumn Prescott.  

So I figured I should do something about this and since there's only around 4 days left in November do a QnA with my characters from Good, Better, Best. If you have not read what I have up yet please do as it is very appreciated.

But yeah besides my bois you can also question any of my other characters! 

Thank you everyone so much for reading this and sticking with me through this whole thing and I will notify you whenever I am finished writing it.

(Also at some point when I'm finished I plan to remaster this story btw or just make it an original.)

Phantom (Yandere!Natemare x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now