Chapter 22

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I woke up, this time I was in my room. I was wearing a black nightgown this time, it was just as silky as the other one. I got up to use the bathroom and saw in the mirror that my lips were swollen and I had a hickey, oh just great. There were clothes waiting for me in the closet, a red blouse with black dress pants, something easy. I changed and stepped back into my room. I then noticed some curtains and I decided to pull them apart, wanting to get some more sunlight.

I pulled the curtains apart and instead of a window, there was a door. I opened the glass doors and it revealed a balcony. I stepped out onto the balcony and upon me was a garden. A extremely large garden filled with flowers of all sorts, but they were all of my favorites.

I then felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I knew who it was so I didn't bother turning around. I then heard him say, "I made it for you. I had the garden already made but I decided to put all of your favorite flowers in there." I looked past the garden and saw the skyline of what seemed to be a city in hell. He seemed to notice where I am looking, "Oh, the castle is in the middle of hell. That means even if you tried escaping we could apprehend you fairly easily. But I know you wouldn't ever think about that, would you?" I nodded my head and turned around and hugged him while nuzzling into his chest, "Thank you for the garden." I felt his hand lay on my head, "Oh you're welcome angel. Anything for my princess." I don't know how I feel about him, but if I cooperate I could get out of here somehow. I then heard his voice interrupt the blissful silence, "Come with me to breakfast darling." I then felt his hand grip mine and lead me down, down, and down stairs. It was only then that I realized, I was in a tower. How have I not realized that before?

We had finally reached the breakfast room, and this time I actually sat not on his lap and I could actually enjoy breakfast. I then decided to ask a question, "Um, Natemare?" I saw him look at me even more since his eyes are almost always on me and I heard him purr, "Yes my sweet, sweet angel?" "Why is my room in a tower?" I saw him scoot back in his chair and he walked around to the back of my chair. I then felt him rubbing my shoulders. It felt so, so good. "Well my angel, I can't have my little marionette get off of her strings, now can I?" I felt him increase the rubbing, it felt so relaxing. "Now let me ask you a question, will you be my queen?" I shook my head no and he kept on purring at me, "Oh come on, will it be that bad? I mean I'll always love you no matter what. I can also make you immortal so you can live with me forever. It isn't going to be that much work, you basically can sit still and be pretty but you'll be doing some important work." I then felt the rubbing get more fierce and I added, "What is that work?" "You will be keeping me sane, attending my side forever. Being my wife, my life, my everything. I'll be pampering you like no tomorrow. So what do you say my love?~" I took a deep breath before saying, "No."

The rubbing on my shoulders stopped and I heard him harshly whisper, "Doesn't matter, you made a deal, you signed the contract. Therefore, you are mine. That means you do whatever I want you to." I then decided to ask one more question, "If I do become your queen, then what about my degree?" I then felt him start rubbing my shoulders again, trying to get me to agree, "Well where do you want to get your degree?" I then responded to him, "{insert college you want to go to}" He responded to this by, "Are you sure? Because you could always get one from Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, or any other college?"

I then felt him nibble my ear, what was his deal with doing that? I just nodded my head and said, "Yes, I want to go to {insert college you want to go to}" I then heard him snap his fingers, and low and behold, a diploma appeared on the table from the college that I want to go to.

He continued to rub my shoulders and said, "Look, I've been very nice to you. I could very easily lock you up in the dungeon until you learn to love me, but instead I have been giving you immense luxuries. Maybe when I am going on that business trip to Korea, I'll change up my tactics." I don't like the way he is saying that, not one bit.

"As I was saying, I will be going on a business trip tomorrow, but I'll be having you stay here instead. If you don't love me by then, then I guess I'll have to change it up a tad bit." He grabbed my chin and lifted up to face his face and he gave me a quick peck on the lips.

He seemed to notice my lips and said, "Oh, I'm sorry doll, I didn't realize I did that big of a number on you." I felt his hand rub a little bit at the hickey mark and I winced at the tiny bit of pain. "Oh, let's go get you to the doctor."

He then picked me up out of my seat and set me back on the floor. He then led me to this room that was apparently an infirmary like area. He set me down on a cot, blew me a kiss, and then left me. I just waited and then a man that I recognized from my first dinner came up to me. "Hello, I am Madpat, and you are princess y/n, I suppose?" I nodded my head but said, "Please, call me y/n."

He then shook my hand and I asked him, "Why are you touching me? I thought the king had rules against that.." He shook his head and said, "I'm the doctor here, I wouldn't quite be able to heal you, will I?"

He then started examining me and I asked him, "Hey, uh, I've been having some weird dreams lately." I was lying, I just wanted more time to stay away from Natemare. Mad then started asking me some questions, "Well, have you had any past experiences with this?" I shook my head no. He hummed in thought but then said, "I'll need to do a sleep study on you." he then dragged me over to a pod thing and put me in there.

The door of the pod shut and I heard him say muffled by the pod walls, "Goodnight." I then fell asleep.

(Dream thingy)

I was in the puppet strings, hanging up against a wall. There were many corridors connecting to this room. I pulled on the strings and I eventually got off of the wall and was free. I started walking around and soon saw Chris. I ran over to him but saw, that he was horribly burned. He was barely breathing. I tried saving him but, it was already too late. The room started to burn, with me inside of it, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get out.             

(Waking up)

I woke up gasping for air, and realized I was still in the pod. I opened the door to see Mad waiting for me still with that insane grin. "You little-" He looked with me with as innocent as a look that he could muster, "What? I thought you've been having weird dreams lately." I walked out of the infirmary, after he helped fixed my lips and hickey. I thankfully found my way to my room without getting lost and once I got in my room I jumped onto my bed and buried my face into the pillows and sheets and let out a, "Ughhhh..."

I then felt someone combing their hand through my hair and I looked up and I wasn't too surprised with who was there, natemare. He had a sympathetic face and he said, "Oh, what's wrong angel? You know you can tell me anything."  

I sighed and decided to cover it up with a lie, "How is my family?" He looked shocked at my question and stopped brushing my hair for a second but then he continued, "Oh, they're perfectly fine. Now, do you want to tell me what's really going on?" I then saw the strings come up and they started to come against my neck, preparing to strangle me if necessary.

I broke, "Ok, so Mad wanted to do a sleep study on me and showed me a dream filled with my worst fears. It was awful." He picked up my head and laid it on his lap, both of us still on the bed. "Well, if you want, you could always sleep with me if you have any bad dreams." I looked up at him confusedly, "I thought demons don't sleep." He nodded his head and said, "We don't need to. But we can sleep for enjoyment." I nodded my head in understanding.

He was still petting my head while in his lap so I got a good look at the ceiling. It was painted blood red and there were these black tree like branches on them as well. It was fairly beautiful. I heard him speak again, "I brought you a gift~" I got up from his lap and looked at him expecting him to give me a heart or something along those lines. But instead he gave me my camera. It was in perfect condition and it had lots of memory left. I hugged natemare slightly after receiving the gift.

He chuckled slightly at my childish behavior and then said, "I'll have to leave for about a day, I'll have Brendon look after you, okay?" I nodded my head and he cooed, "Okay, now while I'm gone be a good girl and you may get a treat, ok?" I said to him, "Okay." He kissed my forehead and then disappeared to who knows where and left me in my room.

So, some of friends are being b!tches right now so sorry if there is a lack of updates for a while.

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