Chapter 44

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(A time skip once again.)

I sat in my room, reading some books as I tried to waste some time. It was really cool, it had a twilight zone feel to it and it had quite the plot twists to it. It was called, "Ruins of an Empire"

I then heard a knock at the door (Hello, my name is Elder Price, and I would like to share with you the most amazing book!) I opened the door to see that there was a woman in a maid's outfit waiting for me outside. "Your highness, his majesty requests your presence in his tearoom."

I walked along with the woman and we soon arrived at the room, that was an exact replica of the first tea room, you know, in the castle.

Natemare was sitting at the head of the table as he usually was. I soon took at seat parallel to him. He seemed to hum, in happiness. "Hello, my dear. Might I say, you look lovely today." "You haven't even looked up from your newspap-" "Does that really matter, angel?"

I decided to stop talking about that. A butler soon came over to pour my tea. I stared at his eyes, they were scared I soon looked into his eyes, giving him a look to tell him, 'It's going to be okay' But I soon heard Natemare called out my name, breaking the silence, "Y/n~"

The butler was startled at the broken silence and poured hot tea into my lap. I screamed at the sudden pain. The King's peaceful and pleasant expression soon turned into a snarl as if someone flipped a switch and his eyes had a look of a murderer.

He stood up with enough force to make his chair fall down, and he snarled out, "Why you clumsy little-" He soon had strings come out and it started strangling the man's neck. I soon ran over to my captor's side and put my arm on his shoulder. He snapped his head around to me, and his sharp gaze became a little lighter. "P-please. I don't know if I can take another dead body."

My lover soon released the man, having him fall onto his knees and start coughing, trying to get breath back into his lungs. "You're lucky I love y/n so much. She just saved your life thank her. Now." "T-thank you my q-queen."

"Get him out of my sites!" And so the man was dragged out. That just left me and Natemare in here. Oh no..

Natemare's vision soon came back onto mine and his eyes were black with his pupils a pulsing purple. Now this, this was scary..

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I gave a curt shake of my head and he started a quiet evil chuckle. He soon whispered into my ear, "Good. Now we can do this-"

I was soon pinned onto the wall by his darn strings. "I really love it when you beg. It makes me so hard. But I want you to do it for me." I squirmed in my chains. "Natemare, you aren't thinking straight. You're in your possessive and obsessive mode right now, please think about this. Please go back to normal." He then took a moment to fake think it over, "Hmm, nah! I've been a nice guy for far too long! I've waited too long to have you." He's acting like he's not phantom-

"Doll, Phantom and I aren't the same. He is just, how do I put this? My puppet."

WhAt Is GoInG oN!?

"He was just simply a front for me. Just another ego. I've been the one in control of everything. But he was fighting back. He wanted you too, for himself.."

Get. Me. Out. Of. Here.

"But who are you-"

"Natemare, dearie, ever notice how everyone calls my little puppet phantom, but you call him Natemare? Well I broke through enough from his barriers to do that."

"But you look the same but you have those eyes-"

"Ah yes, let me get out of this awful costume."

His face then ripped in two. And started falling apart and just having all of the flesh rip into two and the body soon fell on the floor. What the-

I soon started crying at the sight of this and I threw up a little at the sight of his body ripped in two. Sure he was pretty bad, but it wasn't him. The body then dissolved into the ground.

"Do you like how I really look?"

It was Phantom in his evil mode. But hotter if possible? Like he was even more handsome and had an even more insane grin. Hawt. "Heh, thank you, I try." He then gave a mock bow. "Why, why do you use a puppet?"

"Oh, I had to get my first victim of course! That's where I got all of my power and I used him to attract more people. I soon got more power of people's brains to give them some nightmares. I became his worst nightmare. But let's not talk about him."

I need a distraction, now.

"Is that Chris over there!?"

He turned his head to look around, and I somehow broke out of my strings. I then ran out of the room, I ran out the door when I heard him growl. Gotta get out! Gotta get out!

I passed by countless doorways, it was as if I was in a maze of some sort. "Y/n! Come back here and maybe you won't be hurt!" I then yelled back, "You liar!" I soon heard his voice echo everywhere, he was chuckling. "Touché my doll, I just have too much fun manipulating people!"

But I soon saw someone that I recognized, Felix! I was soon in front of him and started shaking his shoulder's. "Felix! I need you to make me fall asleep forever! Got it!?" Felix nodded, said some random nonsense, and just like that I fell down, laid down and I heard the crazy man's voice echo around me, "You can't escape me Y/n! You'll wake up eventually! Everyone does!" And just like that, I was asleep.

Phantom (Yandere!Natemare x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now