Chapter 34

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I was walking beside him, his hand gripping my hand very tightly. We had walked for quite a while now, through many twisting passages and stairways. All of the rooms were elegant as usual and covered with paintings of him, but know there was a good amount of me. I never posed for those either. They also seemed to be more around the areas Natemare would spend a lot of time in. Kinky.

We finally came across this set of golden doors. They opened for us and Natemare dragged me into a very extravagant room. This was the throne room. Even though it looked like it could be the most expensive room in the castle.

He dragged me further on until we finally reached the throne. It was a very extravagant room and extending from the bottom of the throne all of the way to the top of the roof there was gold.

He sat on the throne and pulled me up on top of his lap and pulled me back so our hips were touching.

He rested his head in the crook of my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Um, Natemare, wouldn't a queen have her own throne?" "Yes, you will in due time. But right now, you're a princess, my princess."

I was confused about this, "But then why do you keep calling me your queen?" I heard him chuckle a small bit and I felt him start to stroke my hair. "That's because you're going to be. Plus you're whatever I want you to be. And right now I want you to be my princess."

I started to squirm a tiny bit but his grip on me just tightened. I heard him let out a content sigh, "I can't wait for us to be married my angel. After that we're going to have so much fun."

I felt his hands start to go down to my crotch area as he was saying, "I can't wait to get that off of you. I'm going to make you feel so good my angel."

I skirmished in his grip and said, "Natemare, I don't want this. And can you please get this off of me, it hurts."

I heard him chuckle once again and I soon felt him to start and kiss up my arms. He finally stopped though and said in that seductive voice, "Well, of course I could take it off of you right now. I never said we would have to wait. I just figured you would want to wait until we're married."

You shook in his grip more and said, "But I don't want to have a child with you! Or have sex with you in general!"

He turned me around so I was facing him and saw his signature devilish grin. "Well if you don't want a child, you don't have to worry about that. So that takes care of that."

"I still don't want to do it, with you." He got up close to my ear and hissed out, "Oh well that doesn't matter to me. I own every single part of you. I can control every part of your body. I have been a gentleman just about this whole time. I've been playing relatively nice to you. I've barely been able to control myself, you just look so delicious."

He had grabbed my hand and pulled it up to his mouth and kissed it. "N-Natemare." He put down my hand and put it on to his chest where his heart would be, if he had a heart that is. "Yes my dearest angel, that I would do absolutely anything for?"

"Well, you're immortal. I'm not. Even if I lived a healthy life, I would die of old age eventually."

I heard him speak up again, "Well your engagement ring is enchanted to keep you immortal and forever young. But even then I'll love you till death do us apart."

He then kissed my forehead, "Does that make you more comfortable about this situation my sweet?"

I nodded my head, knowing how I was going to get out of here. Like he said, till death do us apart.

Yes, I know the song doesn't have to do much with the story, but I just really like. Also please check out my book shadows. That one is going to be my masterpiece. I will be eventually converting it into an original actually. I am so proud of this book and it has a little bit of an Horroryas vibe to you. I really like their stuff okay? But thanks for reading, but please check that out, thanks.

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