Chapter 28

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So if that's how you want to play, then I can play that way!"

Chapter 28

I opened my eyes, I was in that same cursed room from before. But this time, there was another door. The room seemed mostly the same but, it seemed more restricted. I tried getting up but was once again stopped by having chains around my legs. I let out a sigh of frustration but I soon heard the clicking of a door.

I turned around and soon saw that Natemare was sitting on the other side of the bed. I was going to open my mouth to ask a question but he stopped me, "Good morning my princess." He gave me a quick peck on the lips and nuzzled into my neck.

I finally got the chance to ask him, "Where does that door lead to?" He simply stated, "My bedroom. You're welcome to come in there anytime." I cocked my head and said, "Why?"

He simply stated, "I can't have my princess being too far away from me, now can I?"

I then decided to ask, "Uh, why does my room look different?" "Because it is. If you wanted things to be like this, then they will be. Oh, and that reminds me," He leaned in closer until he was practically on top of me on the bed, "I will not hesitate to hurt people and you if you even dare break a rule. I will also not hesitate to take away some of your privileges."

He then turned basically back to normal and looked at me, "You're so pretty~" Yep, he's loony. I then sheepishly asked him, "Can you take these chains off of me?" He was caught off guard but he got off of me and snapped his fingers.

I looked and my legs were out of their chains. I looked back up to my captor and said, "Thank you." He nodded his head and pulled me closer to him. I wanted to go outside, to the gardens, and I knew how to get there, "Natey~" His head perked up from its position on my shoulders. "Yes my angel?" I started to trace his chest some and I looked up at him as innocently as possible, "Can I go out to the gardens, pleeeaasse? You said you planted my favorite flowers there and I want to get some photos taken."

He seemed shocked at me trying to seduce him and he let out a sigh, "Well I suppose you can, but I think you know what you need to do." Oh yeah, I should've expected this, I leaned over to him and went for a quick peck on the lips.

He decided to just hold his hand against my head, keeping me there. The little, deep breaths y/n, deep breaths. He finally let go after a long makeout session. "Thanks angel, I believe that counts as a yes in my book." Wait, he didn't mean that the payment was a kiss, oh no. What have I done.

He grabbed me and twirled me around and dipped me down as he gave me a deep, long kiss, despite just giving me one. It seemed that he changed the room, again. He looked back down at me and seemed upset at something. I heard him mumble out loud, "No, no, no. I can't have you wearing that." His nose scrunched up looking at my attire as he said once again, "Even though I love how that looks on you and I have nothing against you fandoms, I will simply not allow a princess to wear that." He snapped his fingers and I looked down to see that he had changed my attire to a simple black formal dress. "Ah much better."

He looked at my hand and he noticed something and said, "Oh, how could I forget?" He grabbed my hand and brought it up towards him. He then put a ring on my finger that seemed to come out of nowhere. It was black with a gem in the middle that was that same blue-purple color. He then brought my hand to his lips and kissed my hand. He then asked me a question, "Would care to join me for dinner my angel?" I nodded my head knowing I had no choice in the matter anymore.

Bam! I had him go a little bit yandere but then it turned out fairly good. I hope you all are satisfied now. Oh and I had to because there would be quite the plothole. Well if you'll excuse me, I must go watch salad fingers at night now, peace!

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