Chapter 6: New Family

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    The next day, Mufasa, Taka, Sarabi, and Authrua were awake early. They played around at the base of Pride Rock while a few of the older lions watched on intently. Mufasa managed to tackle Taka to the ground while Sarabi and Authrua snickered back and forth about who they thought would win. Mufasa let out a growl of relief when he had his brother completely pinned while Taka wriggled breathless under him.

    "Mufasa," scolded Uru as she looked up from beside Lilvina, Jayris, and Churry. "Careful with your brother. He's not as strong as you."

    Mufasa bowed his head as he leaped off of Taka. Taka moaned as he rolled onto his paws and shook out his fur. "Want to go again," Mufasa asked hopefully with a twitch of his whiskers.

    A growl rolled in Taka's throat as he thrust his head an inch from his brother's. "Can't we do anything else besides wrestle?! There's got to be other things that we can do besides roll around?"

    The rage in his brother's voice caused Mufasa to take a cautious step backwards. His ear twitched in surprise as he held his gaze. "I was just having fun."

    "Well, I wans't!" He stormed away with his head lowered into his shoulders and tail dragging. He shoved his ears forward and let out a breath.
    He was vaguely aware of his mother and brother calling his name before Churry cut them off. "Sometimes cubs just need to unwind and calm down. He'll be back."

    That's what they think of me? I'm just an annoyance that hangs around comes and goes? That's not me! That's wat they think of me, Taka seethed.

    He dug his claws into the ground as he walked before he kicked a stone forward. It skimmed across the ground and Taka nodded proudly. He sighed heavily with his head glancing around. He stopped the sniff the air before he let out a deep snort and found himself positioned for the Outlands. He cast a glance to make sure that no on was following him before he bounded forward without another word.   
    He scrambled forward and broke into a jog. He pinned his ears against his head as he struggled to pick up the pace. He eased himself to the border as he felt a cool crosswind surge through his fur. Taka shivered as he looked across the border twice before he finally stepped over it. Excitement seemed to tinge his paws as he gazed around at the large ant hills, volcanic activity, and bones from every animal that he could ever imagine
    "What are you doing, trespassing on our land!"

    Taka spun to the side and saw four hyenas making their way toward him. He immediately ducked back in nervousness as they neared. Their teeth were slightly bared as they laughed nervously and started to walk around them swiftly. Taka clustered himself closer to himself with his paws pressed under his shoulders and eyes wild as he glanced around.

    The hyena that had spoke to a step forward. It's face was heavily scarred while one of it's ears was completely missing. "I'll ask you again, what are you doing on our land?!"

    Taka managed to stand taller with his shoulders tensed forward. "I just wandered in and-"

    "Heir to the throne," announced another hyena as she took a step forward beside the other one. "I can smell it on his pelt. He belongs to Ahadi!"

    Taka snorted as the other hyenas gnashes their teeth together. "He barely even sees me. It's hard to fathom that he's my father."

    "You don't care for him," rasped the first hyena. It appeared that the strength was fading from him quickly while he struggled to regain it.

    Taka nodded his head vigorously. "He favors my brother over me. They all do! I have no loyalty to the Pride or anyone else. I just wish Ahadi be dead as well as my brother, Mufasa," he confessed.

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