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Mufasa sat at the edge of Pride Rock with his head rested on is paws. It had been exhausting couple of moons being king of Pride Rock. He hadn't changed much of anything. He just kept Ahadi's memory alive and tried to protect his pride and the rest of the animals of the Pride Lands to the best of his ability.

Soft pawsteps sounded behind Mufasa. He lifted his head and turned in surprise upon hearing someone behind him. He smiled when he saw his mate approaching. "Sarabi."

"Mufasa," she replied as she stood over him. She licked him between his ears affectionately. "I was beginning to think that you were too busy to spend time with me."

"Never," reassured Mufasa warmly as he licked Sarabi's cheek when he could reach it. "You're the most important thing to me. I've just been so busy. I never knew how much Ahadi actually did."

Sarabi nodded in understanding. "Do you have a moment for me now?"

"Of course! What do you need," Mufasa asked as he straightened and arched his back in a massive stretch while his jaws parted in a yawn.

"Just come with me. I think that this entails our secret spot," Sarabi whispered over her shoulder as she headed toward the rockface.

Mufasa tilted his head in surprise as he padded after her. He followed her down the rockface before they headed to the undergrowth. Sarabi slid through first, slowly and almost getting caught on more vegetation. Mufasa watched in surprise, but kept his muzzle shut. He followed her and allowed her to take her time until they got to the pool.

Mufasa didn't waste anytime in lowering down and lapping at the water. Sarabi lowered down before she lapped at the water beside her mate. Once she was finished, she straightened and shook out her fur. Mufasa did the same before he met her gaze.

"So, what is so important that you talk to me here," pressed Mufasa as he leaned over and touched his nose to her ear.

Sarabi let out a nervous sigh as she met his gaze once more. "I have some really good news. At least, I think that it's good news and all and-"

"I'm sure that it is, but I won't know unless you tell me," joked Mufasa warmly as he intertwined his tail with hers in an effort to calm her down. "Just tell me."

Sarabi dipped her head. "Mufasa, I'm pregnant."

"Pregnant," echoed Mufasa as a grin appeared on his face. "M-My cubs?!"

"You better believe that they're yours. Otherwise, this would be a very difficult conversation," Sarabi joked, but the nervousness was still in her voice.

Mufasa rose to his paws and pressed his muzzle against her, purring loudly. "I'm going to be a father! And you're going to be a mother!"

"That is what being a parent would mean," Sarabi joked.

    Mufasa pushed his head against her shoulder. "I'm so proud of us! We're going to have our own cubs to look after. One of them will be the new king or queen of the Pride Lands."

    Sarabi pressed against her mate as his purr seemed to spark a hope deep within her. "I hope that we'll be good parents."

    "Of course we will," vowed Mufasa without a hint of doubt in his voice. "As long as these cubs are as compassionate and brave, just like their mother, I couldn't care about anything else. We will protect them and nurture them, just like our parents did for us."

    Sarabi leaned against Mufasa. "Have you thought of a name for a lion or lioness," she pressed.

    Mufasa nodded for a moment. "I like Kobe for a lionesses and Simba for a male."

    "I know that Kobe means turquoise, but I don't know what Simba means," confessed Sarabi as he thought hard, back to her roots.

    Mufasa smiled as he touched his chin to Sarabi's forehead. "It means lion."

    "Lion," she echoed. "You want to name your son something as vague as that?"

    "Not vague," corrected Mufasa suddenly. "He would embody what it means to be a lion and a king."

    Sarabi smiled as she leaned against her mate with both of her tails kinked over her back. "He will be the next Lion King."

The End

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