Chapter 2

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"I thought I said don't talk to me." I growl.

"I'm sorry but they want you home right away. If you don't come home in a week they're gonna send the guard sniffers."

"Ah crap." I pace around for a few minutes thinking.

"No I decided it's a no. It's really exciting starting a new life. I'm going to get new friends, one's that don't always fawn over me who treat me like I'm higher and better than them, even Tracy was proper around me and we were friends! I just want to be on the same level as everybody else." I say and he sighs wearily.

"I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this but you leave me no choice." He says then howls and I instantly slap him.

"You... YOU! I thought you said it was going be a week! "

"They changed their mind when I told them I found out where you were, they'll be here soon." He says then I turn and run off.

"What happened?" The kids say as I round the corner.

"He told my parents I was here. They're coming. See you guys later." I say and run of. I jump on Snowy. "Go!" I say and we speed out. We ride out back to my place.

"Be safe Snowy I'll come back soon." I say then close her into a stall and then lock the barn door. I morph down and onto all fours. I start to relax. I start acting on my instincts, my other form I missed it a lot. My soft black fur, the heightened senses. They're all so normal to me. Oh wait I didn't tell you yet did I? I'm a werewolf. I run into the woods and see Alex also in his wolf form now. He whimpers and I can smell his longing for me. I turn away and there are already some guards standing there.

"We were close by. The King and Queen will come soon. Please come home Princess." They say and bow. I don't budge and they are not happy.

"I guess we'll have to take you forcefully then." Says Gira, leader of the guards, telling that I am not planning on leaving at all, and they circle me. It ends quickly, I defeat them all. They should've known better than to fight me.

"They're here." Alex says back in human form and I tense. My parents drive in with three other cars and they get out.

"Rise come here, let's talk, get out of that form." Says Mom.

I morph back to human form annoyed and lead them to my house.

"So this is where you live? It's nice." Says dad looking around and so does everyone else after he says this.

"Oh by the way everyone don't go into the barn. I don't think my friend in their will like you." I say.

"Friend?" says Mom curiously.

"Oh it's a horse." I say and they all click their tongues. We wolves have had a longstanding feud with horses and as you can see it still hasn't been resolved.

"Anyways I'm not going back. I have a new life here. I'm not going to leave my new friends." Mom stares into my eyes. I feel like going to her, like forgiving her for everything she did. But at the same time I don't. I growl at her and everybody immediately circles my parents to protect them.

"Get out." I say.

"Excuse me?" my dad says surprised.

"Get. OUT!!!!!!!!" I yell and start trashing my house. They all leave and suddenly Alex is holding me close in his arms.

"Calm down Rise." I turn and scratch my claws across his face.

"I said get out." Then I walk away into the woods. The next day I see him waiting for me at the front of my house.

"I'm not apologizing but you shouldn't have gotten so close when I was angry." I say and he chuckles. I punch his arm. He puts an arm around me but I shrug it off.

"Rise." He says with a puppy face.

I'm Dina now. Dina Heartly."

"Fine I'll let you be called Dina but remember you are Tanerise Facata and you always will be."

He says. "Ha how could I forget." We walk the rest of the way to school in silence. When we get there I leave him to join the group.

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