If She Choose Alex Pt. 3

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Today's the day.  Jeremy and Dallia are getting married. It took her 6 years for this day to happen. Both of them are so stubborn it's funny. They go very well together. She's a very nice woman.

The wedding is pure werewolf tradition and outsiders aren't invited like Jewel and Adam who are human and don't know. After that we have a reception for them to come and anyone from the wolf community to attend. They exchanged rings before getting in the car and Dallia changed into a magenta dress. If only her wolf eyes were able to come out in human form. I think the dress is the exact same shade.

Soon the time comes where I take the thrown. The coronation is a huge deal. All the kingdom attends as well as the leaders of the other kingdoms. There's also a live video broadcast of it so others not attending can watch.

Before I receive the crown there is a fight between Father and I to show I am strong. The people are glad when I am crowned their queen and Alex their King. I run the quarters and the books. People also come to me about solving civil disputes. Meanwhile Alex supervises our army and technology areas.

The twins are now in college and the house feels so empty without them. Alex and I will soon be married 20 years so he'll be handing me the braid. Jewel and Adam will be 18 years, Sierra and Ricky will be 17 years, while Jeremy and Dallia will be 4. They have 3 children 2 girls and a boy. I make sure I go and visit my friends often, then twice a year we have a get together for everyone to catch up.

I'm thinking of Alex and I retiring to travel the world soon. I've been giving Alex hints about it. Things have been great and I'm happy Jeremy found someone else. Our almost was a beautiful thing and I do not regret our short time together.

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