Chapter 6

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We run back to the house and open the door to find Sierra playfully wrestling with a young werewolf girl. I smile. I clap once and all conversation and play stops and they look at me.

"Alright now I'm gonna go visit the others that are staying at the hotel. Alex will watch over you guys and we'll have you meet in about....." I check my watch.

"An hour. Yeah." I turn to Alex.

"We'll meet at the park kay." He nods and then I turn to Sierra.

"Come on you're gonna meet the rest of them." I say helping her up.

"There's more."

"Yeah now let's go. We're gonna ride on Snowy." I say walking to the door.

"Ah not the horse again!"

"Hey so you know they are very intelligent creatures, and once you become a werewolf you'll be able to communicate with them and all kinds of other animals."

"Wow that's so cool!"

"Yeah now get on." I say standing next to snowy now. I help her climb up and then hop on myself and then we ride all the way to the hotel. The desk clerk greets me with an annoyed snort.

"Oh look it's Dina the town drag." Then he sees Sierra next to me and totally changes.

"Wonderful to see you both." He says smiling brightly. Sierra smiles back and leans on the counter.

"Hi Mr. Fugil I see your being even more of a jerk today." She says and the smile wipes right of his face.

"If you think I'm gonna like you after what you just said to my new best friend. You're very mistaken." He winces.

"Oh and since you're not busy can you tell us the room number of the latest group of people that came in. We know them." He nods and looks it up.

"Room 305."

"Thank you." She says and we head to the room and knock. The door opens and we go in. They're all sitting around the room in silence and look to me as we walk in. They all stand and bow and I wave at them to make them sit back down.

"Hey everyone so I've come to tell you that we're gonna meet with the others in the park but first I wanna introduce you to my friend." Once again I push her forward and this time she speaks perfectly.

"Hi I'm Sierra I go to the high school down the road and I'm 16." They nod and one by one they all shake her hand.

"Well with that done let's go everybody." We all file outside very slowly. Then walk down to the park. There's all kinds of joyful reunions and stuff then they all look to me after I whistle.

"Okay here' what's gonna happen. Since I have come to a decision. I have decided to go home." There's a cheer and I smile and wait for them to settle down.

"Yes I have decided to go home. I will leave in a few days. My house you can use however you like as long as it stays clean. I will visit once a month to pay rent so you can stay in it. When I leave Alex and Sierra will be coming with me. When I come back I do not want to hear stories of wolves attacking people and those things you hear?" They all nod and I smile.

"You will go back to being a pack of your own and if you move on from here tell me so I can make preparations to sell the house." They nod once again and then I yell.

"Meeting closed!" The group separates again. They go back to the hotel or follow me back to my house and I have Alex take Sierra home on Snowy.

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