Chapter 3

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"Ehhhhhhhh you walked to school with you're supposed ex Dina? What happened?" says Jewel.

"More importantly what happened with your parents?" Jeremy says.

"He's still my ex and keeps asking for me back. He knows where my house is so he walked me to school. My parents brought people to get me but they were taken care of. After seeing I wanted to stay they let me be. But that won't last for long." I say

"What people?" Sierra says.

"I'll tell you some secrets next time I see you." I whisper in her ear. She nods.

"So you're really rich?" says Adam

"Yeah." Alex again comes out of nowhere and grabs my arm. "Rise." He says his face tight. I'm about to pull away when I sense something, many more presences then what's supposed to be in this town coming at high speed from the woods area. I look back at my friends.

"Be right back." I say pulling my arm out of Alex's hand.

"I'll be back by second I think." Then Alex and I run of. Right as we enter the woods we hit the ground running on all four paws. We intercept the pack in a field. Alex goes to human form and so does the leader of their pack.

"Well nice to meet you I didn't know there was a pack starting to form territory here." He says. "We aren't at least I'm not. She is I just came to try and get her back home though she prefers to be a lone wolf for right now." Alex says and laughs I growl at him.

"Oh yes by the way near the western edge of the forest there's a house she wants you to stay away from it because it's her house." Another one morphs.

"So you're saying we should follow her rules."

"Now now Titus."

"I advise you not to go there because she is very protective of her territory and I bet you won't believe it but she's stronger than all of you combined."

"I'm sorry but I'm going to the same rude direction Titus has, why should we follow her choice?" I shrink into the shadows and change to human.

"Are you really going to ask that? Alex, tell them." I say and laugh.

"Yes." He says and turns to them. "I think you all should leave right now. Please. Princess Tanerise is not in a mood for company. I'm terribly sorry." There was chatter but it stops when Alex says this.

"Stop playing with us, we need to get food." Alex winces then bows his head.

"I tried to warn you. Go easy on them please Rise."

"Hmmph hardly." I emerge from the trees growling and crack my neck and knuckles.

"Who wants to go first?" Seven minutes later... 30 of the 31 adults are on the ground the seven kids are cowering behind the trees and the older ones are staring in wide eyed amazement. I'm so bored now. I don't feel like fighting anymore. I call Alex.

"Hey come around and pick me up I need to get to school." I hang up.

"Hey there's a motel in town I bet some of you can stay there the rest of you can go to my house. Alex show them. Don't mess my house up. Oh and when going to the motel go in small groups no more than five people at a time a few minutes apart." Then walk off. 

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