Chapter 9

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"What happened." Sierra and Jewel say together.

"We're going to the dance together as friends." Jeremy says. Sierra nods and Jewel pouts.

"Darn it! I was hoping you'd say yes you punk!" she says punching my arm.

"What why?!"

"Because then you wouldn't want to be away from him or something and then you'd stay here with us!" I laugh and hug her.

"I'm gonna come and surprise visit once a month so I think you guys will be fine, though you." I say tapping Jewel's nose.

"Have got to learn to be nicer." She looks at me open mouthed.

"What do you mean I got to learn to be."

"You know exactly what I mean Jewel." I say looking her in the eyes. She sighs and looks away.

"Besides I'm staying for one more day. We'll have a fun time..... wait no we need to go shopping now!" I say and pull both of them after me.

"What's up with you!" Jewel says dragging after me.

"I think she just realized she doesn't have anything to wear tomorrow." Sierra says. Jewel gasps and totally stops yanking me back.

"Oh. My. God. We are going shopping right now and we're using my car." She says and I hug her again. We rush to her car and she drives to the mall as we sing songs on the way.

We park and I am immediately steered to a dress shop where I try on dresses. *Fashion Montague!* We end up with this fabulous white dress! Then we go and buy a bunch of makeup that goes with my skin tone and the dress. We go by a shoe store and buy these ridiculous long heels!

Afterwards they drive me back to the school and they drive off together and I ride back home on Snowy with my bags. I go inside my house on high spirits and see everyone talking. So I said.

"Hey girls! Come with me into my room! I have something awesome to show you!"

Seeing the bags in my hands they scramble up quickly and follow me into my room and close the door. They all arrange themselves around the room excited.

"So someone asked me to the dance today and since I'm leaving tomorrow I thought what the heck! So me and my friends went shopping!" I show them the dress and they're all like oh my gosh! So cute! That's awesome!

"But then when I walked in I realized..... that I was gonna show you guys my dress without you planning on coming so this is me inviting you and I didn't think you guys could have dresses with you so........." I say and back up to my closet.

"I'm going to let you guys borrow one!" I say throwing open the closet door and they totally flip and start moving towards the closet.

"Wait!" I shout and they stop.

"Three at a time in the closet only okay." They nod and hurry towards the door. The dresses are quickly chosen and tags put on so that everyone can go straight to their own dress tomorrow. I say goodnight to everyone and go to bed.

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