Chapter 16

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"Hard day?" Tracy asks starting to wash my hair.

"Yes I had to practice the cello, violin, piano, greek language,and then ballet."

"You must've had a very hard day then." She says while washing my hair.

"Yes I did. But I still have to go to the ball tonight to greet the new prince."

"Yes and it looks like you'll about drop already."

"No I think I'll be ready by the time I walk out the door. You're the best friend and perfect lady in waiting I could ask for." I say.

"Thank you Tanerise." She says finishing my hair and starts scrubbing my back. After the bath she picks out a ball gown for me to put on. She waits a little while for my damp hair to dry a little then blow dries it so it curls up. After she brushes the knots out of the top of my hair she puts a hair bow in.

"There now you're all ready for the ball." she say poofing my hair a little more than looking at me through the mirror. I look back at her and smile.

"I look great, as always whenever you dress me Tracy." I say and turn around and hug her. She freezes in surprise for a second but then hugs me back.

"Of course you do I live to serve you remember." I let go of her and start to stand laughing.

"Well you're going to leave yes? Have a wonderful time." She says handing me my purse.

"Thank you Tracy." I say taking my purse and hugging her again quickly.

"See you later." She says waving. I wave back as I head out the door. I walk down the stairs to where Alex is waiting.

"Rise." He says holding out his hand. I take his arm instead. He doesn't say anything and starts walking to the banquet hall. We arrive just after mother and fathers entrance. We go in after them and wave at the crowd. Afterwards Sapphire and Colson come in together also waving. We take our places just at the top of the stairs and wait. The doors open and in marches a few musicians who sound horns and then in walks the last person I would expect. Jeremy.

"Hi there Dina, or should I say, Tanerise?" he says. Everybody except Alex is looking at me. We're both looking at Jeremy.

"Jeremy. It's quite a. Surprise." I say and he smiles.

"For me as well. We both hid very well then."

"Yes we did."

"Would you care to explain?" my father says to me.

"Ah yes well. He is a friend. I met him in the human world. At the time I thought he was human."

"Ah. That explains it then."

"Yes. How are Adam and Jewel."

"They're good."

"Is Cole still put in the place where I left him."

"Yes he actually sort of secluded himself." He says smiling more. I laugh shortly.

"Cole?" Alex says

"The other human boy that was Sierra's prom date."


"Well there's just one more thing I'd like to know."

"Yes?" I say.

"Alex here is your mate. Yes?"

"Yes he is." I say.

"I'd like to challenge that." He says and everybody gasps. Alex tenses. I just stare at him. Alex realizes after a minute that I'm not going to be saying anything for a little while and steps in front of me.

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