If She Chose Alex Pt. 1

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I get up the next morning and Tracy prepares me for the day. I've decided who I will choose and have accepted my role as princess and next in line for the throne. When I walk down Jeremy and Alex are waiting for me as I expected.

"I've decided, Alex we will be mates." I say and he smiles brightly. I know he really cares for me. Jeremy looks devastated. I walk down and put my hand on his cheek.

"I'm sorry our almost turned to nothing for you."

"I'm sorry too. There will never be anyone like you for me." he says pressing his cheek into my hand. I pull my hand back after a second. I really hope he finds someone else.

Alex wants to get married immediately so two months later we're joined together in the traditional  fashion. I am given a wolf pelt instead of a veil to cover my face. We're released on two opposite sides of the forest and we find the family circle through scent. Our heads are anointed with oil. After that we change into wolf form and a tuft of hair is taken from both of us and braided together. It's given to me to keep for the 1st year.

On our anniversary I will hand it to him for him to keep for a year. That will be a showing of our marriage. After the family circle sent us off we exchanged rings and had a smaller ceremony with my human friends, and Jeremy. Jeremy was the definition of decorum. He looked so happy for me, because I was happy myself.

As time went by Jeremy's pack became part of ours and his condition was he be my special guard. I asked him what his intention was before I let him guard me. He said.

"If I can't be with you at least I can be close, and protect you with my life." Of course after that answer I rejected the idea of him being my guard. He eventually wore me down. Alex accepted it before me actually. Jeremy and Alex seemed to have an understanding about me.

From then on if Alex was busy Jeremy was their shadowing my every step. 

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