Chapter 14

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"Yeah this is Tracy my maid and best friend. My only real best friend that was here. Until you came!" I say looking at Sierra excited.

"I'm going to dress you up now. Sierra could you go out and wait." We end up deciding on a dark blue dress for Sierra.

"Prepare tea for three okay Tracey."

"Yes Tanerise." Tracy says bowing I pat her head then Sierra and I leave. At the bottom of the stairs waiting for us is Alex and the Kings Liège. Their arms wrap around ours and we enter into the banquet hall and it fills with clapping and cheers. I smile brightly waving at them all as we walk down the center. The King's Liege stops at the bottom lets go of Sierra and walks up the stairs. The King stands and takes the crown from the King's Liege. I curtsy bowing my head slightly and he places the crown upon my head. I turn to the crowd of Lords and Ladies smiling.

"The Princess. Has returned!" the King shouts and they all shout after him. After that I take my seat next to the queen on my own throne. After the dinner I head down onto the ball floor and I ask Alex to get Sierra for me. Three minutes later he comes back with her.

"Oh thank goodness!" she sighs.

"I didn't know where to sit until some nice servants came over and let me eat in the kitchen with them. I came back in right after and out of nowhere Alex grabbed me." I smile and grab her hand to pull her to my side then whisper in her ear.

"I must dance but until then head up to my room, unless you'd like to dance with us?" I say smiling. She smiles back.

"Of course I'd like to dance."

"Well then stand around for a little while I'm sure some guy will notice you." I say and Alex pulls me away to the dance and we stop directly in the middle of the dance floor. For the first two dances everyone watches us. Then the third is a slow dance so everyone comes on the floor. That's when Alex pulls a bouquet of roses from behind his back this time all white. I smile at him and take them. He smiles back and dips me. The song ends and I walk away and pull Sierra away from some guy she was flirting with.

"I'm going back up to my room. You gonna come with me?"

"I'll be up in a little while after I finish talking to Ricky." She says glancing at the boy. I nod.

"Okay see you upstairs." I say and leave. Alex is waiting for me when I come out, leaning against the wall then stands.

"You always leave early so I thought I'd catch you before you went back up to your room." I give him a tight smile and he pulls me close to him.

"Hey remember you can always talk to me. I know you are going to have to get used to being back here but remember it's always been your home." He says and kisses me quickly before I can do anything and leaves. I stand there for a minute then head up to my room. Tracy is waiting for me upstairs with the tea.

"Sierra will be coming later after the dancing." I say to her sitting down near the window.

"Of course." She says coming to me with the tea. I take the teacup from her hands. Tracy and I chat together about the people of the castle. New relationships and break-ups and all kinds of things. Then Sierra comes in giggling like A LOT. I smile at her.

"Oh look who decided to finally come." I say smiling at her. She looks at me blushing.

"Shut up." She says rolling her eyes. I stand pulling her through the rooms over to my bed and sit her down.

"Tell me everything." I say and we gush about the guy she was talking to. They're planning on meeting again tomorrow before she leaves.

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