If she chose Jeremy Ch.3

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"Look, it turned into the symbol for eternal love. That's even more of a sign. We'll be perfect together." I say and we smile at each other and Alex slinks off. He was never the same after that. Always watching longingly from a distance and I felt sorry for him but was grateful with my choice. I'm sticking with him. My parents were furious about my changing mates without consent but were delighted with the unity of the new fast growing pack, there would be no outbreak of a fight. The month passes and Sierra comes back looking fierce.

"Sierra you look good for living in a pack for the last month." I say grinning and she hugs me.

"Thanks sis, I had a rough time in the beginning but it was pretty good once everyone knew I wasn't anyone to be messed with but could still be nice. I wanna see Ricky." she says and I smile.

"I guess I'll play hooky from my piano tutor." I say grabbing her hand and we run. I follow the smell of his scent that I memorized and find his house. The door opens and the lady is totally shocked.

"Oh, oh my good morning princess! What honor do I have to see you here at my humble home." she says curtsying bowing her head.

"Please stand. We're looking for a boy who I think is your son. His name is Ricky." I say and she nods.

"Oh yes you may see him. Do come in." she says and we do. We sit on a couch and she hurries up the stairs and a minute later she comes back down with Rick behind her.

"It's an honor to meet you princess." he says bowing and turns his attention to Sierra.

"Sierra. You're back." he says and she smiles and stands. They stand there awkwardly for a minute then she hugs him.

"I missed you." she says and I smile.

"I missed you too." he says and I grab Rick's mom's arm.

"I think we should go for a bit." I say and she nods reluctantly. We sit around in the kitchen drinking tea for 10 minutes. I put down my cup and she glances at me.

"I think that's enough time, let's go back in." I say standing and she nods. We walk back in and I smile.

"I heard she told you about the ceremony and you will come right?" I say and he blushes slightly.

"Yes I will." he says nodding and there's a knock at the door and it opens with Jeremy standing there.

"I was sent to get you love, you should know better than to skip your lessons." he says then locks onto Sierra.

"Oh now I see why, Sierra's back. That must be Ricky then." he says his gaze moving to Rick.

"You had better treat our Sierra right." he says grabbing me around the waist and grabbing Sierra around the neck.

"She's like a sister to us." I finish for him and the three of us grin at each other and laugh. Alex comes in.

"I see everyone is here. Could I join in." I say and we glance at him awkwardly.

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