If she chose Jeremy Ch. 4

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"Oh hey Alex." I say and Jeremy lets go of me.

"Yeah, sure come in." I say and he smiles tentatively. Sierra's wolfhood is awesome. The room is totally white and totally sparkling and just so amazing. Jeremy proposes to me 6 months later and I very happily say yes. A year later Jeremy and I get married at my house. Alex is still a bachelor, everyone says he'll never get over me but I'm the only one that knows that a week ago he found someone. He's only told me. I'm going to tell Jeremy though, because we share everything with each other.

The ceremony and party was great. I got to see the lovebirds Jewel and Adam. They'll be getting married in a week and are ecstatic to see Jeremy and I together. Took them long enough. They were together

"Oh my gosh! This is great, I wish we had known earlier than a week ago then we could've planned to have a double wedding!" Jewel says and I roll my eyes.

"That would be like trying to decide which pair to pay attention to. It would take away the awe from both our moments of pure joy and happiness after marrying the guy of our dreams." I say laughing and Jeremy smiles and pulls me close.

"I like the sound of that. I'm the guy of your dreams." he says pulling me in for a kiss but Sierra blocks us.

"Okay no gross kissy kissy other than the one to end the ceremony." she says and I frown.

"I can kiss my husband whenever I want." I say and pull him to me kissing him. There's woots in the crowd and I pull back from Jeremy looking stunned but very happy.

"Come on let's go cut the cake." I say pulling him after me. The wedding goes. The next week we go to Adam and Jewel's wedding. It was great. A year later Ricky and Sierra gets married. Alex's girl, Carrie is trying to get him to ask her to marry him but he wants to wait longer. I'm having kids in a week and I'm really starting to feel the kicks of the twins. A girl and a boy. I'm really excited and Jeremy is happy but nervous. The day comes and the twins are born. A year later and Alex and Carrie get married. Sierra is there with her belly swollen up with her triplets soon to be born. Two girls and a boy. Even more exciting than when I had mine. The years pass quickly after that and the twins Mary and Peter grow up quickly, too quickly for my liking. Sierra's triplets are adorable. I just love being called auntie by Cherise, Anise, and Fred. Alex and Carrie had a kid but we don't see them that often. They stayed in New York and we stayed in our town so Jewel, Sierra, Adam, and I could stay close together.

The years pass by and I always look back thinking of the past and I just sometimes wish I could go back and yet stay in the future at the same time. Every day is happy and strange and I don't regret loving Alex for that short time anymore. It was just the way we were supposed to go. I'll always remember everything no matter old I get. My sister gets over whatever it is she was so snippy with me before and my sweet little younger brother took over the throne after my parents stepped down. Jeremy and I are thinking of handing over the crowns to the twins in a year or two. Just a little more time for them to grow up. I'd love to see them rule with grace and dignity.

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