Chapter 10

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The next day at school it feels to everyone like the day went by really slow. But that's because everybody was anticipating the dance. I told Alex before I left that everyone should clear out of the house when I got back home with Jewel. He followed it well. He also let some of the guys borrow tuxes from him.

Jewel, Sierra, and I get ready together at my house and sit around talking and sipping tea and fizzy pop until the doorbell rings. There standing at the door was Jeremy, Adam, and Sierra's boyfriend who steps forward and shakes hands with me.

"Hi I'm Cole." He says.

"I'm Dina."

"Yeah I've heard a lot about you around town."

"And I've heard so little about you." I say looking at Sierra then back at him.

"Well I'd like to talk to you."


"Dina....." Sierra says.

"Sierra I can totally not take you." I say staring at her.

"Fine." She says frowning.

"You guys can sit here in the living room I'm going to talk with..... Cole in the kitchen." They all look at me and follow my instructions. Cole follows me into the kitchen.

"So what you want pretty thing." He says coming closer and I hit him with a death glare.

"Well now I know that you're not faithful to our Sierra after all."

"Fuck. Well if you tell I'll make sure you're done for in this town." He says grabbing my arm. So I take it to the next step and grab his throat as gently as I can which must still hurt since he's wincing.

"You should be careful who you're speaking to. You don't even know anything about me other then I'm a friend. You should know. I'm moving back to New York tonight, and if I wanted to I could easily kill you right now." I drop him on the ground.

"But I don't feel like it right now. So why don't you pull yourself back together and then come back out okay." He nods quickly his eyes big and I walk out smiling.

"Is he okay." Sierra says looking at me.

"Oh I didn't hurt him too bad, he's fine he'll come in a sec."

"What do you mean didn't hurt him?" says Jeremy to Sierra.

"What do you mean not too bad?" says Jewel says to me. Adam is just sitting on the couch face palming.

"Oh I just went into the kitchen to interrogate him. Stuff was said and then I choked him a little and told him to come out when he got back to normal."

Adam looks at me with a raised eyebrow. Jeremy and Jewel are gaping at me and Sierra is face palming. That is when Cole comes out and see's us all and looks at me.

"You told them."

"Half told them. I didn't tell them what we said though." His fists tighten then untighten then he looks away.

"When do we leave Dina." he says.

"Why we leave right now. Oh and you're going to drive right Cole." I say before she opens her mouth.

"Yes." He says. And now everyone is staring at me gaping.

"Come on you guys. The dance is waiting." They nod and follow me out the door. Cole does drive us to school safely and helps me out of the car.

"Thank you very much Cole." Then I whisper to him. "Now help Sierra out of the car." He nods and helps her out of the car also. Everyone starts walking to the entrance but I call after them.

"Hey you guys wait! A few friends are coming can you wait with me."

"Of course." They all say at the same time and we all laugh. A minute later three cars drive up and everyone steps out of the car. They all hug me and then Sierra.

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