Ch. 4

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*Austin's POV*

Dahlia lived in a really bad neighborhood. When we pulled up to her house I looked at her. She was blushing and nervous.

When Liz undid her seatbelt Dahlia panicked. "You don't need to come inside."

Liz turned and frowned. "You think I'm gonna let you go inside by yourself?" She motioned to the driveway. "Cal's home. I'm not letting you go in there alone."

Dahlia shook her head. "No. I'm just gonna run in. Give mom her pills, pack some stuff, and then be right out. It'll be five minutes."

Liz looked at her for a few seconds. "Five minutes. Any longer than that and I'm coming in and bringing Austin."

Dahlia looked at me and her face turned red. "Fine." She got out of the car and ran to the house.

I looked at Liz. "Is she safe in there?"

Liz shook her head. "Hardly."

I looked at the house. "Who's Cal?"

"Her step dad. He's an abusive fuck." Liz lit a cigarette. "He's been raping Dahlia since she was 12."

My heart broke. "Does her mom know?"

"Yeah. But she doesn't do anything. Cal brings her drugs and pays the bills. She won't kick him out." She shifted in her seat to pay me. "That's why I try to be patient with her bitchiness." She put her cigarette out. "There's a method to her madness, ya know?"

I nodded. "Like, she had reasons behind the way she is?"

Liz nodded. "This girl has been through so much."

I shrugged. "She's never been bitchy towards me.

She smiled. "Because she likes you." The smile faded. "But I'm just warning you. When she realizes her feelings, she's gonna push you away."

I looked at the clock. It had been four minutes and I was a nervous wreck. "Should we go inside?"

Liz looked at the house and sighed. "Yeah." She got out and I followed her to the front door and inside.

The house was a mess. Garbage and clothes everywhere. I looked around the living room for Dahlia and didn't see her.

"Cal! Fucking stop!" I heard Dahlia yell.

Liz stepped over a pile of clothes and ran to the kitchen. I followed her. A heavy set balding man sat at the table. He was sweaty and had food stains all over his shirt. He had a grip on Dahlia's wrist.

Liz walked over and grabbed Dahlia, pulling her out of the man's grasp. "Don't touch her, Cal."

He glared at Liz. "Lori!" He yelled. "The whores are here!" He looked at me. "Which one of them are you fucking?"

I frowned and looked at Dahlia. "Are you okay?"

Dahlia looked at me and then at Liz. "I said 5 minutes."

Liz rolled her eyes. "Stop. Where's your mom?"

A women in a bathrobe walked down the stairs and smiled at Dahlia. "Baby!" She ran up and hugged Dahlia. Dahlia stood still and then pushed her away. She reached into her pocket and handed the women a bottle of pills.

"Here, Mom." Dahlia said, stepping around the women towards the doorway. "I'm leaving."

Her mom panicked and grabbed Dahlia's arm. "Baby, don't leave mama."

I looked at the women. Her hair was beyond dirty, her skin was scabbed and filthy. Her hands shook and her eyes were red and misty. She was a junkie.

Dahlia pulled away. "Mom stop. I have to go."

Her mom started picking at her skin. "Dahl. Please."

Cal smacked her mom's leg. "Don't worry about her. Go make me some dinner, bitch."

Her mom smacked his shoulder. "Don't."

Cal jumped up so fast he flipped the table. "Don't put your hands on me, bitch!" He slammed her into the wall and slapped her in the mouth.

Dahlia pushed me aside and pushed Cal. "Don't touch her!"

Cal turned around and threw Dahlia across the room. "Fuck you, bitch!" He wiped his nose with the back of his hand and walked upstairs.

I ran up and grabbed Dahlia. She was crying. "Dahlia, let me help you."

She smacked my hand away. "Stop." She stood up and went over to her mom. "I'm leaving for a few days, mom."

Her mom looked at Dahlia, but I knew she wasn't listening. She was too high. She smiled and patted Dahlia's cheek. "While you're at the store, pick up some formula. The baby is running low."

I frowned and looked at Liz. Liz's eyes filled with tears and she covered her mouth.

Dahlia lightly slapped her mom's cheek. "No. Mom. Pay attention. There is no baby. It's me, Dahlia. I'm gonna go stay with some friends for a few days. Okay?"

Her mom smiled and nodded. Her gaze lingered on Dahlia and then shifted to me. "Victoria. You never introduced me to your husband." She smiled bigger and I could see that all her teeth were missing.

Dahlia sighed. "Mom. It's not Victoria. I'm Dahlia."

"Dahlia?" She said. She looked at Dahlia. "Where's the baby?"

Dahlia's eyes filled with tears and Liz choked on a sob. She grabbed Dahlia's wrist. "Come on, Dahl. She's too far gone. There's no point."

Dahlia nodded and kissed her mom's cheek. She hooked her arm around Liz's waist and I followed them out to the car.

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