Ch. 25

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*Dahlia's POV*

Austin and I sat on the beach. I sat between his legs, leaning against his chest. His arms wrapped around me and held my hands.

"Dahlia?" He said.

"Hmm?" I mumbled, playing with his watch.

"You're so beautiful." He said, kissing my head.

I smiled. "Think so?"

"Most beautiful person I've ever seen." He said.

I tilted my head back and looked at him. "You make me happy."

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "She was right."

I sat up and turned to face him. "Who?"

"Liz." He said. "She told me that once you got more comfortable with me and let your guard down, you'd be a new person."

I blushed and looked down at the sand. "I was a bitch when we first met. I'm sorry."

He cupped my chin and made me look at him. "Don't be sorry."

I smiled. "What was your first impression of me?"

He sat back and smiled. "I thought you were beautiful. And then you started talking and I thought you were a bitch."

My smile faded. "I'm sorry, Austin. I was so lost. And angry still. I wasn't doing the things I should've been. And I was afraid of my feeling for you. I didn't want to like you, because I don't want to lose you."

He sat up and took my hands. "I'm not going anywhere, Dahl. You can trust me."

I smiled. "So there's no getting rid of you, huh?"

He smiled and grabbed me, pulling me into his arms. "You're stuck with me for awhile, babe."

"Darn." I said, kissing him. "I was hoping we'd be together forever."

He smiled bigger and kissed me, grabbing my butt and pulling my body to his. "Thank God this beach is empty."

I grinned and wrapped my arms around him. "Sex on the beach? I was sure this only happened in fan fiction."

He wrapped his arms around me and rolled over, getting on top of me. His lips covered my body in tender, passionate kisses. I was in heaven.

I Need Your Love (Austin Carlile Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz