Ch. 10

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*Austin's POV*

"Austin!" Liz squealed. She ran up to me and jumped on my back.

"Hey, Liz." I said, pulling her off me. "Where's Benny?"

She frowned. "In the backyard. What's wrong?"

I went to the backyard and found Benny sitting with Alan, both playing guitar.

"Benny. Can we talk?" I said.

He nodded and walked to the other side of the yard with me. "What's up?"

"I tried talking to her. She told me to leave me alone and took off." I said. "She was so sad."

Benny nodded. "She tends to do that."

I shook my head. "Who's Andrew and Anthony? And Victoria?"

He sighed and cracked his neck. "Umm." He looked at the ground. "Well, Victoria is my twin sister. She died when Dahlia was a baby."

"And Anthony and Andrew?" I asked.

He shook his head. "That's up to her to tell you." His phone rang and he looked at it, answering it.

"Hello?" He closed his eyes and sighed. "Okay. Just hold on. Stay in your room. I'll be right there." He hung up. "I gotta go."


Benny's POV*

I walked through the front door and immediately wanted to leave. Mom stood in the middle of the living room, bent over, ears covered, and screaming. I could hear Cal upstairs yelling at Dahlia.

I went over to Mom and put my arm around her. "Mom. It's okay. I'll make Cal stop yelling."

I sat her down on the couch and ran upstairs. Cal had Dahlia pinned against her bedroom door, her shirt balled into his fist.

"Little bitch!" He screamed.

"Hey!" I yelled, grabbing Cal's shirt and pulling him away. "What's your issue?"

Dahlia slipped inside her room and I heard the lock the door.

Cal pushed me. "She didn't bring your mom her pills."

"Fuck off, man. Mom's sick. Some dumb pills aren't gonna fix her. It only fixes her for a few hours." I said.

Cal huffed and puffed and went downstairs. I knocked on Dahlia's door. "Dahl?"

The lock clicked and I opened the door. Dahlia stood there crying. "Mom had an episode and I didn't have her pills."

I sat on her bed. "It's not your fault. Mom's been this way her whole life. It's getting worse as she gets older. The drugs don't help."

Dahlia shook her head. "She was okay a few years ago. What happened?"

I shrugged. "She was on a lot of medication. And she wasn't using as bad back then."

She sat next to me. "What about after Victoria died?"

"Dad was around back then. She didn't start using until after he died. I think the drugs are just turning her brain into mush. That's why she has her episodes." I put my arm around her. "That's why we have to stick together. Mom won't live much longer."

Dahlia wiped her eyes. "She thinks I'm Victoria. The only time she knows who I am is if she's asking about Anthony."

I nodded. "Well you know how proud she was of Anthony. I don't think she's processed any of the deaths."

She rested her head on my shoulder. "Did you tell Austin?"

"No. I told him who Victoria was, but not the boys. I figured that's your business to tell." I said. I pulled away and looked at her. "Give him a chance. He knows what you're going through."

She looked at me. "You really think I should give him a chance?"

I nodded. "Go to dinner with him."

She nodded and sighed. "Okay. Dinner. That's not to scary." She smiled weakly. "I can do dinner."

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