Ch. 8

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*Dahlia's POV*

I laid in my bed, listening to music and reading a book. I hated being at home, but since Cal wasn't here, I felt safer.

Over my music, I heard a loud crash downstairs. I paused my music and heard my mom cursing and moving stuff around. Another loud crash and I heard her crying.

I went downstairs and saw that Mom had knocked over the dish cabinet and table. She sat on the floor, crying and picking at the scabs that covered her arms.

"Mom? Are you okay?" I said, helping her up.

"Victoria, I made a mess." She said, pouting.

I sighed. "Mom. I'm Dahlia. Not Victoria."

She looked at me, confused. "Where's my Victoria?"

"Victoria's dead, Mom." I said, fixing the table.

I could see Mom start to panic. I turned and rubbed her back. "Mom. Victoria's been dead for years. You know this."

Mom picked at her arms and face. "My Victoria is dead?" She hugged herself and started sobbing. "My Vicky is gone!" She threw herself into the wall, sobbing and screaming.

I pulled her away from the wall. "Stop."

She threw herself on the floor, mumbling something and crying.

I sighed and shook my head, kneeling down next to her. "Mom, it's okay." I rubbed her back.

After about an hour she had calmed down. I sat her up and looked at the bruises on her face. She looked like a helpless child.

"Where's Anthony?" She asked.

I felt tears. I didn't want another episode. "Anthony's with Andrew, Mom."

She searched my eyes. Her eyes looked clear and I felt like my mom was back. "Why are you crying, baby?"

I wiped my eyes. "Because I miss you." My chest tightened. "I wish you weren't sick anymore. I need my mom."

She wrapped her arms around me. "Don't cry, baby. I'm here."

I cried into her chest. "But you're not here, Mom."

I felt her arms loosen, and then she pulled away, looking at me. Her eyes were cloudy and confused again. "Victoria?" She said.

I wiped my eyes. "Yes, Mama. It's me, Victoria."

She smiled and hugged me. "My Vicky. I thought you ran away from me."

I pulled away. "No, mama. I'm here."

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