Chapter 13

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After dinner, Dean and I went back to the motel but Sam and Cas were still gone.
      "So what now?" I ask Dean as I kick off my shoes and flop on my motel bed. Dean tosses me the tv remote.
         "Watch a movie i guess." He suggests as he makes his way towards the bathroom. I pout my lips and scroll through the free movies on the tv until I come upon 'The Breakfast Club'. I click on the movie, and sit up, scooting back till my back was against the headboard. Dean finally exits the bathroom, looking at the tv and chuckles,"Really? Breakfast club?"
    I nod and chuckle. "It's a classic don't hate." I stick my tongue out. He shakes his head and takes a seat next to me.
     "I'm not judging, it's a good movie." He smirks. My attention is drawn back to the screen, but I can't help but get the burning sensation that's Dean's eyes are on me. I ignore it, and begin to chew on my bottom lip, consumed into the movie.

I yawn once the movie is finally over and see Dean is knocked out next to me. I chuckle and look over at the little alarm clock, it's 12. I look around and see Sam isn't here still. I reach across Dean, grabbing his phone and dial Sam's number. It rings and finally goes to voice mail. I attempt to call him 5 more times before I begin to worry. I grab everything I need for the demons before I shake Dean awake.

"What is it?" Dean grumbles half asleep.
"Sam still isn't back, I called him 6 times Dean and he hasn't answered." I inform Dean, causing him to completely wake up and jump out of bed. "Go grab your stuff and meet me at the car." I instruct him. He nods and dashes out of my room. I grab my keys, and follow heading towards my car.

I hop in the car, starting the engine and soon Dean hops in the passengers side. We pull out of the motel parking lot and head towards town.
"How do we know where we're going?" Dean finally asks.
"His phone rang, it didn't go straight to voice mail which means we can track it." I inform Dean, tossing him my phone. He looks at my phone and sees we're heading towards a little red dot labeled 'Sam'. "Where the hell is Cas." I mutter.
"He tends to vanish on us a lot. I'll see what I can do." Dean comments before he's silent. I nod and we finally pull up to an old warehouse near a lake. I turn off the engine and eye around to make sure we were clear.
"What's the plan?" I ask Dean looking over at him. He jaw was tight and he was deep in concentration.
"I don't know, we don't know how many sons of bitches are in there or if this is all some type of trap." Dean says harshly. I didn't take offense to it, this was Sammy we were talking about and I know Dean wouldn't let anything happen to him. I chew on my bottom lip and eye the warehouse.
"There's stairs over there to the left," I tell Dean pointing,"I'll take the stairs, you take the main level and we'll see what happens." Dean nods and begins to get out of the car but I grab him wrist,"Don't try to be a hero Dean, okay?" He just stares at me until he comes back in the car and pulls out a knife.
"It's a demon blade, and it's my brother in there I'm gonna do whatever it takes to save him, even if that's means being the hero." Dean tells me. I clench my jaw, taking the knife and exit the car. I make my way towards the left side of the building, and climb the old stairs. There's a door with a small window that's broken in one corner.

I peek in and see it's dark. I quietly open the door and slide in, keeping my back against the wall. I was on a second floor, that had a giant gap in the middle to see the first floor. I look down and see Sam tied up to a chair, unconscious. I than hear Dean enter and run over to Sam. I walk around the second floor, peeking in and out of rooms to make sure everything was clear.

Once I cleared every room, I go over to the railing and see Sam leaning on Dean.
"It's clean." I shout down to them.
"Y/N behind yo-!!!!" Dean shouted, but before he could finish I felt two hands push against my back roughly, causing me to lean forward, breaking the old wooden railing and falling onto my front.

I black out for a couple seconds but I'm woken up by Dean and Sam shouting my nail.
     "Y/N!!!!! GET OFF ME SON OF A BITCH!!! Y/N!!!" I hear Dean shout, almost as if he's struggling against someone. When I open my eyes, my vision is blurry and it seems like the room is tilting but I can see Dean and Sam being dragged off. I groan and try to get up but an instant wave of pain causes me to fall back to the ground.
    "D-Dean..." I groan, trying with all my might to fight back the pain and get to them, but before I can it's too late. I can no longer hear them, only the sound of a car engine driving away. I tear up, knowing that they got away because I was too weak. I let out a wince as I force myself up onto my knees and glance around the room, I was once again alone. I struggle but eventually get on my feet, and make my way towards the door, my lungs and sides on fire. I knew my head was bleeding because I could feel the dampness but I didn't care, I had to find Sam and Dean.

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