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"Binnie! Don't you think it's cool that Seungmin and I have, like, almost the exact same schedule! We only have one period that's not the same!" You say joyfully as you three eat.

You were seated across Changbin while Seungmin sat beside him. After all introductions were done, you immediately started conversing with Changbin as you ate. And as you spoke, you automatically gave him half of your rice as he gave you a few pieces of his meat and vegetables.

Although you were doing most of the talking, the three of you converse for a bit more, when, in the middle of eating, a fourth voice suddenly interrupts.

"Mind if I sit here?"

All three of you turn your attention to the voice and you look up to see-

"-THE CUTE GUY I BUMPED INTO IN THE HALLWAY!" You scream, accidentally voicing your thoughts.

Silence fills the air after that. All you could do was purse your lips as Changbin dropped his chopsticks while all three of them stare at you in shock before the cute guy bursts into a fit of giggles, ruffling  your hair with his free hand which wasn't carrying the tray of food.

"I should be the one saying that, although instead of guy, you'd be the cute girl I bumped into"

"If you're gonna sit then just sit down. No need to talk so much" Changbin mutters under his breath before he resumes eating.

"Anyway, sorry about earlier!" The cute guy mutters to you, ignoring Changbin's statement and scratching the back of his head as he takes a seat beside you.

"ABOUT THAT! How the heck do you know my name?!" You say, looking at him with suspicion.

"Uh... well!" The said boy clears his throat for a moment before explaining.

"I am a varsity player sooo: The principal paired me up with someone with a similar schedule if ever I miss any classes because of training and games and that someone is you!" He says gesturing to you. "And- and I asked a classmate to point you out so there"

He explains nervously. Changbin and Seungmin arch a brow at the guy. Well something was a bit off with his explanation.

"Oh... Well, mind if I know your name?" You ask casually, taking another bite from your food.

"Han Jisung" He says with a smile, reaching his hand out for you to shake. Your eyes go wide and it's your turn to drop your chopsticks. He's the basketball player that everyone's been talking about. 

You throw a glance at Suengmin and glare at the guy, mentally cursing at him for not telling you that the 'cute guy' that you bumped into at the hallway was the Han Jisung.

You quickly turn your attention back to Jisung and the more that you stare at the guy the more familiar he's starting to look. Maybe you've seen him in the hallway a few times. Which makes you start to question how you didn't notice a good looking guy like him your whole high school life. 

The sound of Changbin slamming his chopsticks on his plate snaps you back to reality and you actually remember to shake Jisung's hand.

"And by the way, your name sounds cute y/nie" He adds with a playful smirk as he shakes you hand.

"Ah Jisung hyung, already flirting on the first day of school" A guy, who you recognize as Yang Jeongin, a junior from the basketball team, says as he passes by. Despite him being a year lower, you know him because every person you know points him out in the hallway at least once in their life because of how cute he is.

"Yah! It's not like that!" Jisung says, waving the guy off.

"So, we have next period together, if I'm not mistaken" Jisung adds, turning his attention back to you. Before you could reply to Jisung though, you notice Changbin suddenly getting up so you call him out.

"Hey! Where are you go- Changbinnie wait for me!" You scream, getting up and speed walking after the guy.

Changbin chooses to ignore you,  which makes you end up chasing him out of the cafeteria.

"YAH! CHANGBINNIE-" You stop mid-sentence, accidentally running into his back when he abruptly stops walking.

"Why'd it have to be you?" He mutters, turning to face you.


"Why'd you have to be his partner?"

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