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~earlier that day~

After sprinting out of Changbin's home, your tracks come to a halt when you reached the nearest convenience store.

You stared at the entrance and saw a 'buy one get one free' sign with a picture of your favorite coffee brand on the flyer.

With a shrug of your shoulders, you stepped in the store and headed straight to where the coffee was. After a few minutes, you heard the bell by the entrance sound, signalling that someone else has entered although you weren't really paying attention to it because of the fact that you were happily getting around five bottles of the coffee, ready to get five more free ones when-



You turned to the source of the voice to see Jisung staring at you, one hand on the handle of the fridge beside yours while the other had an energy drink in it. Maybe it was just you but why did the atmosphere feel so awkward.

"So, you must really love coffee"


Jisung gestures to the coffee in your hands and your blink your confusion away. "Oh yeah! I- um... this is a good brand"

Awkward silence fills the air after that. It was as if a crow was passing by in the room.


"-Hey y/n. Wanna go for a stroll?"


As you and Jisung were heading over to the nearest park, you opted to stare at the ground as you walked beside the boy who had a plastic bag in one of his hands and his energy drink in the other. 

He had offered to pay for your coffee and even carry it.

"I was out for a morning jog"

"Oh... well I- I came from Changbin's place"

Jisung stops in his tracks and turns to face you with wide eyes. "What?!"

You pause as well, staring at him, confused with his reaction until you realize what he thought of. "WE DIDN'T- NO! JISUNG GOD NO- I-"

When Jisung begins chuckling, your words come to a stop. "YAH HAN JISUNG!"

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" He says in between giggles as you playfully hit his arm.

Silence fills the air after that, but this time it's a comfortable kind of silence.

"So..." You trailed off as you sat beside Jisung on one of the park benches, staring at the grass.

"Why'd you want to go out for a stroll with me? Aren't I ruining your morning jo-"

"So that I could be with you for a little longer"

Your eyes go wide at Jisung's statement, your heart skipping a beat.
You continued to stare at the grass. For some reason, you were unable to face Jisung. 


"Because I like you y/n"

Your hands gripped the seat of the bench tighter. For some reason, maybe a part of you already expected the answer. But still, it shocked you how all of the signs and things that people were saying were true.

"What??" Your voice is shaky as you ask him once again, finally facing him. "Funny joke Jisung"

The said boy sighs, messing up his hair in frustration. "It's not a joke y/n. I like you. A lot."

"Why me?"

Jisung sighs once again before leaning back and covering his face with hands. Then he takes a deep breath as he runs his hands through his hair, preparing what he had to say.

"Freshman year. You probably don't remember me but I missed a lot of lessons cause of the games I had. And no one wanted to lend me notes cause I was known to lose them. Finals were around the corner, I was stressed as fuck and didn't know what to do anymore. I heard from a few friends that you, my seatmate who I've never spoken to had really neat and understandable notes so, being the dumb fuck I am, I left a note on your desk, asking if I could borrow them"

"So you were my seatmate"

"And well-"


Jisung stares at you with wide eyes, shocked at your sudden outburst. His shock soon turns into amusement though. 

"It's so like you to interrupt me in the middle of my somewhat confession" He says with a chuckle. It's your turn to get shocked. "S-sorry... I..." At this point, you just trail off, deciding to shut up before you end up saying more random shit.

"Anyway... I didn't expect anything honestly. Cause of course you need your notes to study... but one day a teammate just approached me and gave me a notebook filled with bookmarks, highlights and post-its and it really warmed my heart to see how much effort you put into pointing out the important parts or highlights of the lessons and- and  your little words of encouragement really lifted my spirit up so yeah"


"That and you're cute"

You playfully push Jisung away at the last comment. 

"I transferred schools the year after but wanted to return here for my last year and lucky me, we were classmates again and when they asked me if I wanted someone to help me out at school I told them I wanted you and the rest is history"

"Jisung I-" You pursed your lips, not really knowing what to say as you stared at the boy beside you.

He was perfect. He was sweet, kind, caring, a bit of a flirt, an athlete. He was funny. Your heights were just right. He was sincere. He was fun to be with. He was practically everything that you were looking for in a guy.

But why did it feel as though there was something stopping you.
Preventing you from just falling for him already.

When Jisung sensed your confusion he quickly said "I'm not looking for a response right now but I just- I hope you consider my feelings and think about it"

Jisung flashed you his usual smile.
Although it seemed lopsided.

Then, he got up and walked off.
Before getting far though, he turned to face you saying:

"By the way. I think that you look stupid in his clothes"

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