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It was the summer after your graduation.

It was a Saturday when you decided to ask the guys if they all wanted to hangout at your place and stay for dinner. You had invited Jisung -who brought Jeongin and Felix along-, Seungmin -who asked if Hyunjin could come which you said yes to-, and of course, your boyfriend Changbin.

When Chan found out about your little hangout, he asked if he could invite some friends of his as well. At first, you were hesitant because the last time that you all hung out, the house was a big mess afterwards. But when Chan offered to pay for the food, how could you say no. Besides, Chan had only invited Minho -Jisung's dormmate- who you've already previously met.

That day, you all hung out in the living room, sitting on the floor in a giant circle with pizza and chicken boxes and a few drinks in the center.

The arrangement was simple, couples sat together while the other guys sat at random spots as you all conversed about anything and everything.

"Alright, I bought drinks, but Jeongin doesn't get any okay?" Chan asked as he stood up to get them in the kitchen. You and Changbin were seated side by side, although you weren't as clingy as Seungmin and Hyunjin.

You didn't really mind at first but when Changbin suddenly pulled you closer and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, you couldn't help but blush. And just when you were about to lean on his shoulder, a scream startled you.

"THAT'S IT. No kissing when I'm here! No pda when I'm here! No anything when I'm here! You have to be 100 meters away from each oth-"

"-CHAN! And 100 meters?! Seriously?!"

"THIS IS MY HOUSE! AND MY HOUSE, MY RULES!" You scoff at his words, suddenly irritated by the whole situation.



You purse your lips, contemplating on continuing to argue with your brother or just letting this one go. You glanced around the room to see that the guys -aside from Changbin who simply pursed his lips at the situation- were laughing their butts off which made you sigh with relief and decide to drop the fight. You knew that if you continued to argue, it might make the others feel uncomfortable.


After Chan had called you and Changbin off, he literally squeezed himself in between you two until you were forced to give him space.

Changbin sighed.
Now you were seated between your brother and Mr. MVP-who-likes-to-flirt-with-you, aka, Han Jisung.

"Hey y/n, what does that taste like?" Jisung asked with curious eyes, staring at the odd pizza flavour which Chan ordered that you were currently eating.

"It's good Jisung! Want a bite?"

You casually move your pizza slice in front of Jisung's lips. Just when he about to take a bite, you both hear someone -Changbin- cough really loudly.

You simply roll your eyes at your boyfriend for overreacting while Jisung glances at the said guy before smirking and taking a bite of the pizza.


To say that Changbin was in a sour mood would be an understatement.

First Chan called you off.
Second he noticed that Jisung was leaning too close to you.
Then Jisung took a bite from your pizza slice and even partially shared a glass of soda with you.

Then when Changbin came back from the restroom, Minho was at his spot, forcing him to sit across from you and watch as mister MVP played one of the oldest tricks in the book.

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