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"Do you like one of them?" Seungmin asks as the two of you walk to your next class. It was Monday, and throughout the whole weekend, you've been thinking about nothing else than why Jisung chose you to be his partner.

At first, you really weren't curious but when you told Seungmin about the story over the phone, he sparked up your curiosity which is how the conversation ended up with you and Seungmin theorizing possible reasons  why since you were too shy to ask Jisung after rejecting his offer to tell you.

"What?! Why on earth would I like one of them?!" You say, glaring at your friend. He just arches a brow.

"You've liked Changbin for the LONGEST time and Jisung's a heartthrob, how could you not like him?!" You scoff at Seungmin's statement, stopping at the hallway and staring at the guy with your jaw dropped.

"First of all, I liked Changbin... for a while-" You mutter, sounding unsure of your own words. 

"-but I'm already over him! He's just a friend and Jisung..." You trail off. You did just meet the guy recently so of course you weren't sure about how you felt about him. Sure he was sweet, cute, hardworking, good at playing basketball, funny and honest- and you stop your train of thoughts before you end up listing all of the possible positive adjectives- but you really hated the idea of falling in love again, especially since it's your last year and you're all going to different universities.

"I honestly don't believe you but-"

"-Seungmin!" A voice suddenly calls, cutting the said guy off. You and Seungmin turn around to see Hyunjin and Jisung walking towards the two of you. "Hey, help me get some stuff at the gym!" Hyunjin quickly says, grabbing Seungmin by the arm.

You arch a brow, remembering Jisung's slip up one time in the library.

"I borrowed Seungmin's notes today because I fell asleep in class!" You said with a small, embarrassed smile as you sat beside Jisung in your usual seats in the library.

Jisung rolled his eyes at the mention of the name. 'Well at least it isn't 'Binnie' ' He thought to himself. But despite those thoughts, he still couldn't help but voice out his irritation.

"There you go again, talking about Seungmin"

"Uh this is the first time I mentioned him today but what's wrong with Seungmin. He's cute and responsible and-"

"-taken! Hyunjin already has his eyes on him so if I were you, find another guy to crush on" Jisung quickly interrupts, not wanting to hear a string of compliments that you're going to give to another guy. He knew that you didn't like Seungmin in a romantic way but he spoke before thinking. When he noticed how quiet you became he turned to face you, only to see you staring at him with wide eyes. 

"Hyunjin's gay?"

"I never said anything to you!" Jisung screamed, quickly getting up and and repetitively making X signs with his hands. You just chuckled at how cute his actions were.

"Why me? Class is about to start!" Seungmin whines. You don't fail to notice how Hyunjin's cheeks heat up for a moment. "Jisung doesn't want to go back with me! Come on,  I'll excuse you from class" Hyunjin quickly says before dragging Seungmin off before he could even protest.

And of course, leaving you with Han Jisung.

"Hello Ms. Most Hated by the Female Population" He says with a little chuckle, slowly closing the distance between the two of you. Sweaty from practice, hands in his pockets, towel around his neck, hair pushed back by the sweat and a husky voice-probably from how tired he was- Han Jisung looked like a fucking God in front of you right now.

"Uh...hi" You mutter, pursing your lips together and looking down, feeling his body heat close to yours. "I'll walk you to your next class?" He asks. And even though you can't see his face it's like you hear the smile that slowly forms on his lips from the way he talks.

You look up to reply to him which was probably a bad idea because only then did you realize how close your faces were.

"Uh don't you have traini-"

"Coach said we could have a break so let's go" As he speaks, he grabs you by the hand and walks you to your next class.

As you stared at your interlocked hands as you let him drag you along, it made you wonder 'How did you not notice this guy before?'

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