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It was a Wednesday afternoon, currently lunch time.

Right now, you and Jisung found yourselves in the library, eating snacks that you had snuck in. You two were eating it out in the open though with the rest of your books and other study materials scattered around on the soft carpet with pillows on the floor.

The reason for such a different set up was because you weren't just in the library. From the number of hours that you and Jisung had spent there, let's just say that there were a few times wherein the two of you were just bored to death and you used that time to explore around the 'abandoned' parts or rarely checked out areas of the book filled room.

Those explorations may have led to the two of you finding a small nook by the back of some bookshelves that seemed really cozy. With permission from the main librarian, you asked if you could add a carpet and a few pillows and use that as some private study area. Your main excuse being that it was so that Jisung could "learn better and quicker since he'd be in a comfortable environment" which the librarian bought.

Jisung had asked to schedule the tutoring session for this week during Wednesday, lunchtime because of the fact that they had a game on Friday so his schedule was really tight. You of course, with a not packed schedule and boring life agreed.

Although not without a few protests from Changbin saying that 'You have a life too' and 'Why do you need to adjust to his schedule all of the time'

That aside, you and Jisung had just finished studying about the newest lesson and you were actually creeped out by the fact that he was paying attention the whole time and that he didn't have any random thoughts or side questions that weren't related to the topic.

"Well... you seem to be working REALLY hard today. Let's have a break" You say with a small smile. "YES! FINALLY!" Jisung screams, making you hit him and place an index finger over your lips to tell him to shush.


"Stop screaming! We're in the library!" You mutter, hitting him once again to which he playfully hits you back. "Stop that! It actually hurts!" He whisper screams.

"But you keep screaming!" You whisper scream back.

"For your information we are no longer in the usual tables where the librarian can get mad at us! We are in one of the most secluded parts in the library!"

"Why does that sound wrong?!"

Jisung shoots you a confused look for a moment before his cheeks heat up as he rethought what he just said.


"STOP SCREAMING AT ME!" You whisper scream louder than him this time. "NO! YOU STOP IT"

"NO YOU- NO! YOU STO- yah- YAH!" You and Jisung say, repetitively speaking simultaneously until you both ended up stopping and laughing your butts off.

As the laughter died down, Jisung stared at you with a somewhat serious look, as if he had something important to say, making you arch a brow at him.

"What is it?" You ask.

"Watch my game this Friday"

You pause for a moment, thinking of what to respond before you decide to tease him a little "What if I don't want to?" You ask with a mischievous smile.

"If you don't go, I'll lose"

Silence fills the air after the words escape Jisung's lips and all you could do is look him in the eyes, checking to see if he was just kidding. But when his face doesn't falter and he holds your gaze, you knew he was being serious.

"And... and why is that?"

You don't even remember how you were able to let a decent sentence come out of your lips at that point because you could barely speak with the weight of Jisung's eyes on you.

Jisung chuckles at your words, breaking eye contact. And you were grateful for the fact that he did so because if you held his gaze any longer, you'd probably melt.

"'Cause you're my lucky charm y/n"

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