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"You know, this is why people think we're dating" You say with an irritated sigh, glaring at Changbin who only smiled back at you.

It was Friday afternoon, classes had just ended. Usually, you would head straight to the library to 'tutor' Jisung but he had texted you earlier today saying that he and the guys had practice so he couldn't go on a 'study date' as he liked to call it.

After receiving the text you replied a quick okay before quickly texting Changbin and telling him to wait for you before he went home. What shocked you though was when a classmate told you that Changbin was leaning against the lockers in front of your last class, looking for you, as you packed your things.

You were actually shocked that he knew where your last class was. Sure, you told the guy your schedule multiple times but you didn't actually think that he was listening to you.

"You're always such a slowpoke" He muttered, entering your almost empty classroom and dumping his bag on the chair beside yours as he waited for you to finish fixing your things. "If you didn't want to wait for me you could've just said so" You muttered, suddenly irritated.

You were really excited to walk home with the guy again but if all he was going to do was complain then you'd rather walk alone.

Changbin's eyes went wide. He did not expect you to say that. Not really knowing what else to say he shoved the remaining things on your desk in your bag and slung your bag and his over his shoulder as he grabbed you by the hand and dragged you out of the classroom.

"YAH SEO CHANGB-" You screamed, shocked and flustered by actions, only to get cut off.

"-I came here to walk you home not to watch you organize your shit" He mumbled. And for a few seconds, you still seemed mad as he dragged you out of the building but sighed when you realized that this was his way of showing you his feelings.

"You know, you really suck with words" You say with a small chuckle as you two exit the building and walk around the campus towards the exit. "Shut up!" He whines.

"I'd love to walk home with you as well Changbinnie but give me my bag back"


"Come on, people are staring, we look like some cringey couple" You mutter when you see people giving you smiles are wiggling their brows at you.

"No" He repeats.

"You know, this is why people think we're dating! Now give me back my bag I'm not as weak as a stick- and don't shoot me that mischievous smi-"

"Y/N!" Someone screams from a far, cutting you off. You and Changbin both turn around and the latter immediately groans and rolls his eyes when he sees who it is.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT JISUNG?" You scream back since he wasn't heading towards you and you were too lazy to approach him as well.



"Hyung, just walk towards her and converse like normal people. Please, you're embarrassing me" Jeongin mutters to Jisung.

"BUT YOU LOVE ME!" Jisung pouts, ignoring Jeongin's statement. His statement makes you blush and you don't know how the hell you could see that cute pout from where you were standing but you just could.



You see Jisung jump in the air and do some little victory dance which you chuckle at. You wave goodbye at the guy before walking off with Changbin once again.

"And that's why people think you're dating him" Changbin mutters under his breath, his mood dampened. "What did you say Binnie?"

"I said here's your stupid bag back"

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