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"Binnie!" You whine, trying to convince your best friend to go home and rest.

It was another normal school day. 
Except Changbin came to school with a cold which only got worse throughout the day.

"Sleep! Rest! Skip class! Go home!" You continue to speak as you take your seats in the cafeteria while Seungmin offered to get your lunch for you all.

Changbin's breaths were ragged and he could barely even walk well because of how bad his migraine was but he still didn't want to go home.

You sighed.
He was always like this. Acting all tough even though he was suffering. To any other person, he just looked like he was having a bad day but the way he gripped onto your hand so tightly said otherwise.

"Changbin I swear to Go-"

"-I said I don't want to!" He growls before his grip on your hand suddenly gets tighter.

Just as it did, he leaned his head on your shoulder, snuggling close to your neck as he tried to bear  the pain.

"Changbin come o-"

"I said I don't want to!"
As he spoke, you could feel his breath tickling your skin but you chose to ignore the odd beating of your heart because of the close proximity and decided to focus on getting the  guy home.

"You sure you two aren't dating?" Seungmin asks with a brow arched as he took a seat in front of you both, placing two lunch trays of food on the table.

"This guy is clingy when he's sick or sleep deprived. Right now, he's both" You say, a little embarrassed with the situation before you realize

"Where's my food?"

Seungmin rolls his eyes at your statement. "I only have two hands y/n. Now just wait"

Just then, someone else places two more lunch trays on the table before taking a seat beside Seungmin.

"Oh. Hi Hyunjin"
You say, blinking at the guy, although on the inside you're trying not to scream over the fact that he's almost always with Seungmin.

"Mind if I join you guys?"

"NOT AT ALL!" You say too quickly, mentally face palming yourself for being that obvious friend.

Although all thoughts related to your friend and his crush who also likes him back quickly disappear when Changbin growls before shifting positions a bit.

"That's it! I'm calling auntie"

"y/n I'll get mad at you"

"I could care less about that right now Changbin"

You said with an eye roll as you freed one hand from his grip and grabbed your cellphone.

"Hello au-"

"-OH Y/N!" You immediately pull the phone away from your ear upon hearing how loud Mrs. Seo's voice was.

"Sorry! I got a little excited there since it's been a while since you called!" You chuckle at her statement before apologizing for not contacting her more often.

"What did Changbin do this time" You hear her joke over the line. Another chuckle escapes your lips at her words before you explain what happened.

"Aish that kid! I'll be there in a few. Just make sure he doesn't do anything stupid while I'm gone"

"Yes ma'am!" You say with a giggle before ending the call. After doing so, you turn to the three who were staring at you, waiting for you to speak. "Changbin's mom will be here soon. Is it alright if you two help me carry his stuff to the gate after we eat?" You ask, hoping that that they say yes cause Changbin was literally clinging onto you and it didn't look like he was going to let go any time soon.


And on the way to the school gate, after you've all eaten your lunch, Changbin did nothing but back hug you as you both walked, leaving Seungmin and Hyunjin to follow you both as Seungmin carried Changbin's bag.

"You sure they aren't dating?" Hyunjin whispers to Seungmin, although you could clearly hear the guy.

"Well she said they weren't so..."

"Changbin please walk like a normal human being" You whine. At this point, you were practically dragging Changbin to the gate. His arms were wrapped around your waist from behind, his head nuzzled at the crook of your neck as you placed your hands over his and walked to the gate.

"y/n, my head hurts"

Changbin muttered, groaning a bit as he nuzzled his head more. You two were already at the gate, waiting for his mom's car to drive up. Changbin was burning up at this point and in all honesty, you were worried sick.

"Just a little bit more Changbin. Your mom will be here and you'll head home and rest"

"I want you to stay by my side"

You eyes went wide. "Changb-"

A car suddenly pulled up and as the tinted windows rolled down, you slowly saw Changbin's mom at the driver's seat. "Thanks for taking care of that grumpy butt. Changbin let's head home okay?"


"Jisung hyung, are you sure that y/n noona and Changbin hyung aren't dating?" Jeongin asks as he stares at the interaction between you and Changbin as you walked him to the gate. 

The two were just walking around campus when he saw the sight. Jisung stopped talking mid-sentence about the random topic that he and Jeongin were discussing and turned his attention there as well.

He knew that Changbin was sick since you texted him this morning, saying that if ever Changbin wouldn't head home during the middle of the day, that you'd have to cancel today's lessons to walk the guy home but he didn't know that the guy was like that when he was sick.

"Aish! That idiot!" Jisung mutters under his breath. "Jealous hyung?" Jeongin asks with a mischievous smile. The mentioned only scoffs.

"As if. She said they weren't dating so I'll believe her. I'm just worried that she'll get sick as well"

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