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"I-I don't understand." Jungkook stuttered at the sight of Jimin standing tall next to Seokjin. The imagine didn't look right, as if he was living in a nightmare and any moment now Jungkook would wake up.

Jimin avoided looking directly at Jungkook. Jin placed his hand on Jimin's back and lowered his chin so that it rested on the brink between Jimin's exposed collar bones and his neck, breathing him in before flicking his gaze back to Jungkook. The younger knew it was just a power move, a meaning less touch, but Jimin didn't flinch. The blonde kept his head high, his posture strong. He took it with out fear, without rejection.

"You are free to go." Jin said as he sat back down into his chair behind the dark black desk of his. The older man turned his attention onto the city view, waving Jungkook off with the swing of his hand. "Thank you for your time." Jin sang now gesturing to the open door with his hand. Jimin finally glanced his way, and Jungkook couldn't help but notice how healthy the boy looked. How he seemed to have gotten his confidence back and this fire lit up with in him.

"Jimin? What's going on? What about everything we talked about last night? What about doing this together?" Jungkook shook his head and took a step forward, reaching out to Jimin but the older stayed out of reach, giving off a distant vibe that made Jungkook stop in his tracks. Jimin ran a hand through his own hair, but there were no nerves in the movement. It was more so a way for him to think, to calculate, to steal a moment of breath. It struck Jungkook suddenly how precisely Jimin matched the gallery photos of himself on the Deliveree site, he looked equally artificial. No trace of that man who drove him home last night.

If I'm not straight, that's the boy I want to prove it to me." Jungkook had said upon the first photo his eyes every laid upon of Jimin. Looking at him now, the ache in his chest only grew as did the cloud of confusion. Jungkook took a breath, filling up his lungs and letting his blood circulate so he could think more rationally before lowering his voice at Seokjjn, "What did you do?"

"I offered him the company." Jin grinned, the smile spread across his face like poison, his teeth revealed one by one like a cat's, his eyes glowing at the site of inflicted pain subsequently hurting both Jungkook and the Deliveree Boy at his side. Seokjin took his time with speaking his next statement, letting the words string in the air and wrap around every corner of the room as they echoed into Jungkook's conscious. "I offered him everything."


"Aw" Jin pouted and put his finger to the tip of his lip mockingly, "Look at that." He sang with feigned curiosity. "Look at how your face dropped, how your chest is beginning to pound." Seokjin tilted his head as he studied Jungkook, "Funny, how much pain such a betrayal can cause. How it feels when you realize you put your trust into the wrong person. To find out that the most precious thing in your life can be so easily ripped from you. I offered Jimin the world, and all he had to do in return is leave you."

"Jimin- Jimin is this true?"

Jimin was about to speak, not quite being able to look Jungkook in the eye, but Seokjin held up his hand and Jimin closed his mouth, wanting to speak but silenced. Jungkook had never seen someone look so powerful and yet be so powerless.

"Needn't you worry dearie," Jin spit, "Jimin said no to my gracious offer."

Jungkook felt the oxygen run back through him, he broke into a relieved smile and didn't know wether to start laughing or to start crying. But he did neither, as Jimin was still on the wrong side of the desk, wearing the wrong stature, next to the wrong person.

"Then why am I being let go? Why is Jimin- Jimin why are you here?"

"Because when he said no," Seokjin spoke for Jimin while leaning back in his seat - Jungkook thought all the man needed was to add a fluffy fat cat onto his lap to stroke while laughing mesmerizingly with fire cauldrons behind him, "I decided to go down another - slightly darker - route to get what I want. The other side of the coin if you will."

"And which one is that?"

"Blackmail. I will have my revenge one way or another."

"For Namjoon."

"You," Seokjin slammed his hand on the desk but let a smile graciously regain on his face. He looked down at his knuckles and studying them, "don't get to say his name."

"That wasn't-"

"If Jimin taking over won't separate the two of you, then I knew of something else that will. So I struck a deal with your precious boy. He killed my brother because of the love he carries in his heart, it's only fitting he pays the price, don't you think? In fact, you should be thanking me. Im saving you from the same fate."

A/N - I just got hard core drenched in the hella soaked 😂

- Violette 🌷

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