Chapter 1

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I walked to school quickly hoping to find Percy. The streets were wet and rain drizzled on me. I knew something was up with him. I waited out front for him to pull up and sure enough at exactly. I looked at my watch
7:45 he showed up like always.
"Hey wise girl" he said
"Hey" I said "Percy are you okay you seem out of it"
"I'm fine" he said "Bruce had some work and he wanted me to help"
"Okay" I looked at him that wasn't it.
"What about you" he said "how are things with you and your dad?"
"Better..." I said
"Any spiders come to get you?" He asked
"I will stab you" I warned
"I think your a little too slow" he said
"Watch it seaweed brain." I said
We split ways as the bell rang.
"Don't die seaweed brain" I said
"You too wise girl"

I hurried out the doors as the bell rang. I needed to find Barbara Gordon. I'd remembered something in the alley batgirl said.
How did she know who Percy was? Why would she have Barbara Gordon's signature?
"Percy" I yelled right before he got into the car.
"Could I get Barbara's address?" I asked
"Sure" he gave it to me "why?"
"My dad needs it" i lied
"Okay" he Said "see you"

"Annabeth is that you?" My dad yelled
"Yes" I called
I went into my room only to step on a lego. I looked down and a pile was there.
"Matthew Bobby" I yelled "don't go into my room!"
I shoved them out the door into the hall. I pulled out a book and started reading. After twenty minutes I went back out.
"I'm going to study" I told my dad
"Okay be careful" he didn't even look up.
I pulled on a jacket and headed off to find batgirl.

I knocked on the door. The door opened right away. Barbara stood there her red hair hanging over her shoulders.
"Your Percy's friend right?" She asked
"Yeah" i said holding out my hand for her to shake "Annabeth chase"
"Come on in" she said opening the door wider. "How can I help you?"
"I just wanted to ask you something." I said
"Sorry I really need to take this" she said "hello?" Pause "now?" Pause "I'll be right over"
She turned off the phone.
"I need to go family emergency" she scribbled something on a paper. "Here's my number give me a call sometime."
She hurried out the door. I paused debating before following her out the door.

I followed her as far as Main Street before I lost her. I decided to follow the street until I found trouble and she'd be there. But as always the trouble found me. It was a hellhound I knew that as soon as hit dove for me. I dodged trying to grab my dagger.
I charged me again when smoke flew out of nowhere. A figure moved closer and I realized it was a boy about my age. Robin. Two others followed closely behind batman and batgirl.
"No you can't" I shouted
"Stay back" Robin said
"Oh shut up seaweed brain" I said
"What?" He asked
"You heard me we'll talk later" I said "what are you waiting for" I asked as he stared at me "mortals cant beat it."
He uncapped his pen and we went in together.

The Paladin -- Percy Jackson batman crossover -- The Olympian Heroes Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now