Chapter 4

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I went into my room and changed. I put the mic in my ear.
"Percy" I whispered "oh my if you don't have your mic on."
"Hey wise girl"
"You might want to record some of this." I said
"Okay you coming over later" he asked
"Yeah did Barbara make it" I asked
"Not yet what's up?"
"Barry showed up" I said "look make sure this is being recorded"
"You got it Paladin" he said
"Shut your beak birdie" I said
I went out the door to find bobby siting there.
"Don't you dare go into my room." I said
"Oh I'm not" he said
"If I catch either of you in there I swear on the river of Styx I will make you be my target practice." I said thunder rumbled outside
I just roamed around listening for any interesting conversations.
"Oh Annabeth" my dad beckoned me over "this is my daughter Annabeth. This is Mr Wayne. I was telling him about your architecture you've thought of."
"Yeah I want to be an architect." I said
"Yes I believe you and Percy are friends he told me about that." He said
"Sorry I need to check something" my dad hurried off
"What are you doing here?" Bruce asked
"I live here" I said "what's your excuse?" He glared at me he never did like me much or I think fully trusted me. We'd both taken to glaring at each other and insulting each other occasionally.
"I came here because of a partner deal I made with them" he said
"With Cadmus" I asked
"No I didn't realize this was secretly it"
"It might not be" I said
"Okay get over it" Percy said "you guys are at the same place People are going to hear you"
"Yeah and it won't seem weird that I'm talking to an imaginary person." I said to him
"Hey I'm real" Percy complained
"Shhh" I said "don't let anyone in here while I'm here"
"That's kinda hard to do when I'm not there" Percy said
"I was talking To Bruce" I said as I opened the door to the office.
I opened a file cabinet and looked in focusing trying to remember what I saw. I grabbed one labeled Central city. I was about to close it when I noticed a panel that seemed loose. I pulled it up. Jackpot. A file on nearly every superhero, vigilante, and super villain.
Batman, Robin, nightwing, superman, supergirl, Wonder Woman. At the very front was one labeled Paladin.
"Percy I'm taking three at a time I'll put them back and get more once I have pictures." I said
"Okay" he said "take Barry's first"
"I'll grab the small ones and move up depending on how big they are." I said "but I will take Barry's"
I grabbed three. Flash Paladin and batgirl.
I hurried out. Just as the door closed I saw someone glaring at me. I saw them tap my stepmom on the shoulder. I hurried to my room. I looked in all the hiding spots the twins weren't here.
I took out my mic And spoke into it.
"Percy I'll be over with the pictures of the files in a a little bit."
"Do you want to bring some Cake over" he said
"Where would I get cake?"
"It's a party there's always cake." He sounded offended
"Bye" i turned the mic off.
I grabbed the camera I had and started taking pictures. I got all of them and opened the Paladin one. It read
Been active:three months
Identity: unknown
Height:five feet two inches
Relations:Batgirl batman and the justice league
Weapons:throwing knives, sword, dagger, electrical disks.
Priority: low moderate
I frowned they knew all this? I opened Barbara's
Been active: seven years
Identity: unknown
Sex: female
Height: five feet seven inches
Relations: batman, Robin, nightwing, justice league, Paladin.
It had no weapons listed that was interesting.
Priority: high moderate
It had pages of all the people they had fought on all of them. A knock sounded on my door. I shoved the files under my pillow and laid back on them.
"Yeah" I called
"Could I come in?" June (my step mom) asked
"Yeah" I called
She opened the door and stepped in.
"Why aren't you out there" she asked
"Well I came in here to study" I said "for a test"
She looked around the room searching for something probably the files.
"Could I actually meet Percy later to study he needs some help." I said
She didn't answer I stood and she stepped closer to me.
"What were you doing in my office?" She asked
"I wasn't in there" I said she came closer she looked passed me to my window which was open.
I looked towards the window just in time to see a dart flying at me. It hit my shoulder and Everything faded.

The Paladin -- Percy Jackson batman crossover -- The Olympian Heroes Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now