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Waiting outside the cafeteria at lunch time, I see Alice come dancing towards me and panic,  

"Alice, where's Nessie? I thought she had 3rd period with you?"  

"Jeez relax Bella, toilet break!" she laughed before whispering "she is part human you know!"  

"Well, what bathroom is she using? I need to make sure she's OK",  

"Bella, she's fine, in fact she'll be here in precisely 17 seconds!" she sang. I felt Edward come up behind me, "There's no need to be so tense love, I'm watching her"  

"I can't help it Edward, she's just ..."  

"Hey, Guys!" Renesmee interrupted, seeming a lot perkier than this morning,  

"Renesmee Carlie Cul- Um - Swan!" I heard Edward chuckle behind me, "Don't ever go off on your own like that again!"  

"Um, Bella?" Edward whispered in my ear "Alice just has a vision, if you carry on shouting not only are you going to cause a scene, but Nessie's gonna accidentally call you Mom in front of the entire student body!"  

"Oh" I muttered, looking at Alice who was nodding her head "Well, Ness, stay close in future OK?"  

"Sure" Nessie mumbled  

"Hey Squirt!" Emmett hollered from down the hallway, Renesmee ran up to him and jumped up into his arms, I saw Rose, Jasper and Jacob following close behind, so took the opportunity to turn and hiss at Edward "and you thought I'd cause a scene?" I saw him roll his eyes and turned back to face the rest of my family,  

"Come on, lets go grab a table!" Rose insisted, leading the way into the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was packed full and it felt as if all eyes were on us, I turned my head slightly to face Edward, who looked like he was in pain, no doubt from hearing what everyone was thinking,  

"That bad huh?" Jasper asked, Edward just shot him a look, which confirmed my suspicions. Alice was practically skipping along as if she didn't notice, Renesmee had gone all self conscious all of a sudden, Rose was hunting for the table that had the best view, Emmett was ruffling Nessie's hair trying to cheer her up and Jacob was giving Emmett an evil look for touching her. And Jasper was throwing waves of calmness at me and Edward. Even without the fact we were all pale white, beautiful and graceful, we would still look strange. Without exception, every single person we walked past turned slightly and stared, I could hear the whispering;  

"do you think they're, like, all related?"  

"they're soo beautiful, they must have had surgery?"  

"that tall dark guy looks so out of place with them, should we ask him to sit with us instead?"  

"Lucy, look who just walked in" followed by a "Wow" from a girl I assumed to be Lucy.  

"Tom, stop staring and just go ask her out!" came one voice, I looked over and saw a tall dark haired teenager staring at my daughter. He strangely reminded me of Mike Newton from Forks, I felt my whole body tense and tried my hardest not to growl. Edward, picking up on my tension put his hand on my shoulder, it never ceases to amaze me how comforting that can be;  

"Welcome to my world" he grinned, I cringed at what thoughts must be going through their heads right now.  

"I like this table!" Emmett announced with a wide grin across his face.

Emmett and Rose waited at the table while the rest of us queued to get our lunch, as Carlisle pointed out yesterday, they are essential props that enabled us not to stick out any more than necessary. And besides, I was certain Jake would be able to eat it. Once we'd got our 'props' we all sat back down at the lunch table  

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