Chapter 58: Nothing

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  • Dedicated to Niki Hopkins

[A/N: Thanks so much for being so patient! My internet is down at the moment so I am relying on help from friends to get these to you. So PLEASE bare with me!  

Huge love to Niki for editing, and supporting me!  

Susan xx ]


Four day's. Four agonizing, pain filled day's. That was how long my little girl had been missing. How long it had been since I had seen her. How long since I'd had the chance to hold her close to my chest. Every ounce of my being wished I could go back in time, hold her in my arm's and never let her go. The searching was endless. Town upon city upon state and we had yet to find any trace of Tanya or Nessie. There was no trail's, no scent's, not even a hint of them.  

I was starting to...

No! I stopped the thought before I allowed myself to continue it. I WOULDN'T loose hope. I would never give up. I couldn't allow myself to think that way, I wouldn't allow myself to. Somehow, some way I would get my baby home, back in my arm's where she belonged.

Emmett had headed back toward's home yesterday- somehow he had managed to get hold of a police uniform and ID badge and was doing the round's in the surrounding area with a recent photo of Ness asking if anyone had seen her. But so far he'd had no luck.

It seemed like a feeble attempt, but by now we were now clutching at straw's. We had even contemplated calling Charlie and asking him to put the word out. But I hadn't wanted to upset him, and I knew that involving the police wouldn't do any good. Even if they did manage to uncover something, they would probably get killed following it up. And there was no way they would allow us to handle it ourselves. It's not as if we could explain that the person they were looking for was a fierce vampire and that we knew this because our sister was also a vampire who had vision's of the future. That wouldn't get us anywhere- sure we would have been able to get away from them. But then our secret would have been exposed and their live's would be at risk.

Alice had been hoping that the farther she got from Jacob, the more she would be able to see. But so far she had only had one other vision. And it hadn't given us much to go from. We knew Tanya wasn't working alone, but we didn't know who she was with, or where they were. She and Jasper had gone to find Zafrina and the rest of the Amazonian coven in an attempt to get us some more help. The more people we had looking, the more likely we were to find her. Esme had managed to get hold of Siobhan from the Irish coven and asked for their help. Carlisle was sure that Siobhan's gift for wishing thing's to turn out well would help, and they too had joined in our wide search.

Carlisle, Eleazar and Carmen were one of the group's searching. As was Esme, Kate and Garrett. Edward had explained to me that although Carlisle trusted the Denali's to an extent, he had been worried over the reaction to Alice's vision and had made sure that someone was with them.

That was fine by me- at least that way if they had somehow managed to fool us and were indeed still in contact with Tanya then there would be one of us to keep an eye on them. Edward had seemed certain that they were being truthful with us. But I wasn't prepared to take any chance, not with our baby at risk. When I had told him this it had almost caused an argument between us. Edward argued that the Denali's had gone out of their way to help us when ness was a baby. But once I had pointed out that Tanya was also one of the vampire's who had come to witness for us, it had ended the argument before it had even really began.

Jacob was running ahead of me and Edward now, His massive paw's leaving clear indent's in the forest ground. We ran in silence for a few more mile's, not saying much to one another, but keeping our sense's open for the slightest clue. Anything we could find. The green and the brown's of the forest flashed past us, a near blur as we continued on. Not really heading anywhere, just running, looking for any sign.

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