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[A/N: Hey Guys!! Wow! The response to this has been amazing!! I'm so glad so many people are enjoying this!! The next chapter will be up after 20 or more votes!! So get voting!! lots of love to you all!! Susan xx]


"I don't see why he get's go with you and I don't?" Edward argued  

"Because Sue said she needed to speak with me and Jacob about Charlie" I lied. They had all gotten home from school about an hour ago, and after I had asked Jake to come with me, Edward had began arguing. I hated lying to him. But he was the one who had caused this whole situation, if it hadn't been for him and his pig headedness then Rose and Emmett would still be here.  

"What about Charlie?" he asked  

"Well I don't know until we get there, do I?" I laughed slightly, trying to lighten the mood.  

"I don't buy it!" he spat "there's something you're not telling me"  

"Edward, what is your problem?" I spat "really, you're making something out of nothing!"  

"I'm not happy about this" he insisted  

"When are you ever happy?" I smiled wryly, turning around and picking my purse up off the counter  

"Will you at least take the Volvo?" he asked  

"I'm quite happy going in the rabbit" I called over my shoulder as I headed toward's the door, gesturing for Jacob to follow me.

"Bella, what's going ON?" Jacob asked as I unlocked the Jeep.  

"Keep thinking about Sue and Charlie" I hissed, taking a deep breath "You have to trust me" I told him "Follow me out of town, as soon as we're far away enough I'll pull over and explain everything" I whispered quickly  

"fine" he shrugged getting in his car.  

I got in and gave him the thumb's up before we started the engine's at the same time. I sped out of the garage with Jacob hot on my heel's. I braved a glance in the rear-view mirror just in time to see Edward sprinting out on to the porch. He'd obviously heard Jacob's thought's. Suddenly my front pocket began to feel extremely heavy from the weight of his and Alice's car key's.

"So what's going on Bells?" Jacob called as he stepped out of his car, waving his arm's in the air. I'd pulled into a gas station about 3 mile's out of town. He had to know before we went any further.  

"Rose called" I told him  

"What?" he breathed "Are they OK?" I looked at him and shrugged  

"She need's me to take some stuff to her" I sighed "But she doesn't want the other's to know where they are"  

"What? Why?"  

"She didn't say" I answered, my face clearly showing the hurt I was feeling  

"So if she doesn't want anyone to know, why am I here?" he asked  

"I needed you with me or Alice would have seen where I was going" I told him  

"OK so where are they?" he asked, looking around as if expecting them to be here.  

"Its about a 3 hour drive yet" I sighed, looking down at the floor  

"Then what are we stood around here for?" he smiled  

"Thank's Jacob" I said, trying to return his smile.

I spent the rest of the drive in silence, a couple of time's I contemplated putting the radio on, but decided against it. I needed to think, I needed to say something that will bring them home. But I didn't know where to begin, I had no idea what I could say to them that would make any difference. I needed them to know how much they were missed, and how much we all care. My phone was ringing non-stop the whole journey. The only thing that was keeping me from throwing it out of the window was knowing that it was the only way Rosalie could reach me.

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