Chapter 21, Proper Mom

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It had been a whole week since we'd confronted Tom in the football field, and since our meeting with the principal he hadn't returned to school. Rumours were flying around that he had been admitted to a secure unit.

 But Alice had assured us he was just at home, too frightened to come in to school. Half the student body now knew about Tom's 'tall tale' and were laughing about him. We'd found out that a lot more student's had approached us to befriend us, but as always, we'd not allowed anyone, other than Ellie-Mae, to get too close.

 Sure, we were polite, but we still kept our distance. It was necessary. The only other person we'd spend any time with was Ellie-Mae, a small, shy girl whom Nessie had befriended when she'd started at the school a few day's ago. Like most girl's her age she found it hard adjusting to starting a new school part way through the semester. Edward had told us she had one of the kindest, most sincere mind's he'd come across in a few year's. He even went as far as to say she reminded him of Angela Webber, one of my closest friend's from Forks.

Right now, we were on our way to school, Jacob had finally relented and agreed to drive his Car so he'd taken Ness with him. Everyone at the school was aware that they were dating now. In fact, everyone in school was aware that all of us were dating one of our 'adopted' family. They didn't know about the wedding of course. That would just be too weird. The wedding was only 2 month's away now. It was getting closer by the minute. I smiled happily to myself, thinking about all I had to look forward to.  

"Everything OK love?" Edward asked  

"Fine" I sighed happily  

"What were you thinking about" he asked, taking his eye's of the road for a moment to stare at me,  

"Our wedding" I answered, smiling again  

"You're really getting into this aren't you?" he smiled, looking back towards the road  

"Shouldn't I be?" I teased  

"Of course" he continued to smile, "Its just that last time I was under the impression it was the last thing you wanted"  

"It was never the last thing I wanted" I corrected, "There was just something I wanted more at the time" Edward looked over at me and smiled again, before turning into the car lot. I saw that the other's were already here.

As I got out of the car I saw that Renesmee was looking rather sad.  

"What's wrong baby?" I asked, making my way over to her. When she didn't respond I looked up at Alice for an explanation. She smiled sadly and jerked her head toward's the other side of the lot. I looked over and saw a large group of boy's standing around the dumpster shouting obscenities at someone. "What's going on?" I asked  

"Tom's back at school" Edward noted, I bent down to look at my daughter, who now looked as if she was on the verge of tear's  

"Oh baby! Are you worried?"  

"It's not that" she mumbled  

"So tell me" I urged kindly  

"They're throwing him in the dumpster" she sighed "He's been humiliated enough, that's not fair" I looked over at Edward who indeed confirmed that this is what they were doing. I looked again over at Renesmee, who now had a few stray tear's rolling down her face. Ness was right, Tom had been humiliated enough, he didn't deserve this as well.  

"You guy's wait here with Ness" I snapped "Emmett, you come with me"  

"Where are you going Bella?" asked Edward, grabbing my hand in an attempt to stop me walking away.  

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