Chapter 23, tight squeeze

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It had been almost a month since Alice's vision, and a lot had changed at home. The wolves were now all here and those of us who didn't sleep had all given up our bedrooms. Carlisle and Edward had been out and brought in 3 extra bed's to accommodate them all.

 All 15 other member's of the pack were here, Sam, Paul, Quil, Embry, Seth, Leah, Jared, Colin, Brady, Seamus, Zach, Kayden, Tyrone, Alfie, Rich and Kris as well as the imprint's, Claire, Kim, Rachel, and the girl Seth had recently imprinted on, Julia. Emily, of course, was also here with her and Sam's 2 year old son, Kieran.

 Sam, Leah and Kieran were in mine and Edward's room, Claire, Kim and Julia were all sleeping in Renesmee's room. Edward had put an extra bed in there for the time being. Paul and Rachel were in Alice and Jasper's room. Colin and Brady were in separate bed's, in Rose and Emmett's room. Leah was in Esme and Carlisle's room. Jared, Quil and Embry were in the two spare room's and the younger wolves had thought it would be fun to camp in the garden. Seth was sleeping in with Jacob. It was a very tight squeeze but some how we had managed it.

Esme was enjoying having so many people to cook for and clean up after. Carlisle had taken on extra shift's at the hospital. Alice was having fun playing dress up with the girl's, and had even taken them all shopping. Jasper who was still having problem's controlling his thirst from time to time had taken to reading alone in the study. Rose and Emmett were put out at not having their room any more so had been out 'exploring' a lot more. Edward and I however, were delighted to have such amazing company.

With Christmas a little over a week away Alice had gone majorly overboard buying decoration's. The guy's had already been out and chopped down 4 tree's before she agreed the 5th one was big enough. Right now I was sitting back and laughing as she enrolled all the guy's in helping her lift the tree into a huge bucket of cement.

"Yes, that's it" she shouted at them "No no, a little more to the left" she stood back and looked at her tree, the way an artist would his work. "Perfect!" she exclaimed with a wide smile on her face "You just have to stand there now for 2 to 3 hour's until the cement dries"  

"What?!"" came 10 or more astounded cries  

"It's quick dry" she shrugged.  

Me and Emily who were sitting on the couch watching in amazement both burst out laughing hysterically.  

"It's not funny Bella" Edward hissed at me from where he was hidden behind some branches.  

"It is from this view" laughed Emily.  

"My, My" smiled Esme as she walked into the living room "That is a big tree" she said turning to look at us "but why are they all stood around it hugging it?" she asked  

"They're waiting for cement to set Esme" I laughed  

"Oh" she smiled back at me. Just then the baby monitor next to Emily let out a shrill cry alerting us to the fact that little Kieran had woken up,  

"I'll be right back" Emily smiled as she walked toward's the stairs  

"I'm surprised that poor child get's any sleep with all the noise that's going on around here" Rose quipped from her seat opposite us, her head stuck in a magazine. Rose had found it hard adjusting to another baby in the house. Though she had tried not to show it. Children were the one thing in the world Rosalie wanted more than anything else. It was the thing she had found hardest to accept about our way of life. Never being a mother. Edward told me some time ago that part of the reason she was so helpful during my pregnancy was that she believed I would have died, and then she could have had Renesmee all to herself. I know I should've been angry at her for this, but I couldn't bring myself to. At the time everyone but me, had thought I would surely die. And I knew how badly Rose longed for a child of her own. Every now and then I would catch her staring at little Kieran, with a sad look in her eye. She tried to keep her distance from him. I suspected it was because it was too painful for her. Edward of course would neither confirm nor deny my suspicion's, he respected our sister's privacy too much.  

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